The Otium Post

The Otium Post


The Panama Papers and law firm Mossack Fonseca hiding trillions for the global elite.

The Panama Papers and law firm Mossack Fonseca hiding trillions for the global elite.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Offshore Network Tied to Putin
Secret files reveal complex multimillion dollar offshore financial deals that channel wealth and power towards a network of people and companies closely allied to the Russian President.

Leaders, criminals, celebrities and Global Oligarchs
A giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposes a system that enables crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies.
Gatekeeper to Offshore Secrets

Panamanian’s files include the offshore holdings of drug dealers, Mafia members, corrupt politicians and tax evaders – and wrongdoing galore.

The Panama Papers: An Introduction
Behind the email chains, invoices and documents that make up the Panama Papers are often unseen victims of wrongdoing enabled by the shadowy offshore industry.

Stairway to Tax Heaven
Discover a parallel universe of shell companies and wealth managers, and learn how to hide your cash away.

The Power Players
Explore the offshore connections of world leaders, politicians and their relatives and associates.

Leak Ties Ethics Guru to Three Men Charged in FIFA Scandal
Secret documents show how deeply the world of soccer has become enmeshed in the world of offshore havens.

Iceland’s Prime Minister Ducks Question But the Answer Catches Up with Him
He came to power after the country’s financial collapse while hiding his offshore holdings of millions in bonds from Icelandic banks.

How the One Percenters Divorce: Offshore Intrigue Plays Hide and Seek with Millions
Firm that practices no matrimonial law nonetheless plays big role when the superrich around the globe decide to split.

Key findings: The Panama Papers by the numbers
Mossack Fonseca's Reponse to ICIJ
A new ICIJ Investigation Exposes a Rogue Offshore Industry

The Panama Papers is one of the biggest leaks and largest collaborative investigations in journalism history.

Explore the offshore connections of world leaders, politicians and their relatives and associates.

Discover the big numbers behind the Panama Papers files, including nearly 40 years of data.



Statens pensjonsfond utland (Oljefondet) eier aksjer og rentepapirer for mange hundre millioner i selskaper som er registrert i skatteparadiser som Cayman Island, Guernsey og Panama.

Og ikke minst er fondets eiendomsportefølje til mange milliarder kroner plassert i datterselskaper som er registrert i Luxembourg og den amerikanske delstaten Delaware.

Kommunikasjonssjef Thomas Sevang i oljefondet sier praktiske, og ikke skattemessige årsaker, er viktigste grunn til etableringen i Delaware. Fondet er fritatt for skatt i Delaware. 

- Norges Bank etablerte i 2011 en plattform for å samle den operative og administrative forvaltningen av eiendomsinvesteringene i kontinental-Europa i Luxembourg. Viktige hensyn ved valg av lokalisering var sentral geografisk plassering, tilgang til arbeidsmarked med høy relevant kompetanse, robuste og velprøvde juridiske rammevilkår, sier Sevang.

- Lave kostnader, også skattekostnader, har hatt betydning når vi har bestemt innretting av eiendomsinvesteringene. Luxembourg blir ofte brukt av internasjonale eiendomsinvestorer, sier Thomas Sevang.

- Det finnes ingen god grunn at våre sparepenger skal være plassert via skatteparadiser. Etisk og politisk er det umulig å forsvare at den norske staten har mange milliarder kroner plassert i skatteparadiser når alle nå kritiserer DNB for å ha lagt til rette for at nordmenn plasserer penger slike steder, sier han.

På spørsmål om det vil være problematisk for oljefondet om Stortinget skulle vedta at fondet skal ut, svarer kommunikasjonssjef Thomas Sevang:

-Vi forvalter fondet i henhold til mandatet fra eier og vil alltid forholde oss til dette.



The Panama Papers scandal is all over the news, and has even led to the resignation of Iceland’s prime minister [1]. The leaked documents show how big corporations are getting away with hiding their wealth and dodging taxes in offshore accounts.

But tax havens and loopholes are not the only tools the rich and powerful can use to avoid paying their fair share. Our research has shown that multinational companies and their teams of lawyers are using ‘corporate courts’ to sue governments trying to collect taxes from them.

This could get much worse very soon. Under trade deals like the Transnational Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) multinational corporations could be allowed sue governments if they see their profits threatened. If the deal is agreed, companies could use the so called Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism (ISDS) to stop governments finding new ways of taxing them.


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