The Otium Post

The Otium Post


The media is corrupt – we need a Hippocratic oath!

A Hippocratic Oath for the Media? 

I will remember that I remain a member of society with special
obligations to all my fellow human beings,those sound of mind and 
body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath,may I enjoy life and art,respected while I 
live and remembered with affection thereafter.  May I always act so as 
to preserve the finest traditions of my calling.

As a manager, I serve as society's fiduciary for one of its most important institutions: enterprises that bring people and resources together to create valued products and services that no single individual could produce alone. My purpose is to serve the public's interest by enhancing the value my enterprise creates for society. Sustainable value is created when the enterprise produces an economic, social, and environmental output that is measurably greater than the opportunity cost of all the inputs it consumes. 

In fulfilling my role:
I recognize that any enterprise is at the nexus of many different constituencies, whose interests can sometimes diverge. While balancing and reconciling these interests, I will seek a course that enhances the value my enterprise can create for society over the long term. This may not always mean growing or preserving the enterprise and may include such painful actions as its restructuring, discontinuation, or sale, if these actions preserve or increase value.

I pledge that considerations of personal benefit will never supersede the interests of the enterprise I am entrusted to manage. The pursuit of self-interest is the vital engine of a capitalist economy, but unbridled greed can be just as harmful. Therefore, I will guard against decisions and behavior that advance my own narrow ambitions but harm the enterprise I manage and the societies it serves.

I promise to understand and uphold, both in letter and in spirit, the laws and contracts governing my own conduct, that of my enterprise, and that of the societies in which it operates. My personal behavior will be an example of integrity, consistent with the values I publicly espouse. I will be equally vigilant in ensuring the integrity of others around me and bring to attention the actions of others that represent violations of this shared professional code.

I vow to represent my enterprise's performance accurately and transparently to all relevant parties, ensuring that investors, consumers, and the public at large can make well-informed decisions. I will aim to help people understand how decisions that affect them are made, so that choices do not appear arbitrary or biased.

I will not permit considerations of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, party politics, or social status to influence my choices. I will endeavor to protect the interests of those who may not have power, but whose well-being is contingent on my decisions.

I will manage my enterprise by diligently, mindfully, and conscientiously applying judgment based on the best knowledge available. I will consult colleagues and others who can help inform my judgment and will continually invest in staying abreast of the evolving knowledge in the field, always remaining open to innovation. I will do my utmost to develop myself and the next generation of managers so that the profession continues to grow and contribute to the well-being of society.

I recognize that my stature and privileges as a professional stem from the honor and trust that the profession as a whole enjoys, and I accept my responsibility for embodying, protecting, and developing the standards of the management profession, so as to enhance that respect and honor.


Det norske media er korrupt,de trenger å sverges inn med en Hippokratisk ed.

Sitat over:

"Jeg vil ikke tillate betraktninger av rase, kjønn, seksuell legning, religion, nasjonalitet, partipolitikk, eller sosial status å påvirke mine valg. Jeg vil forsøke å ivareta interessene til de som kanskje ikke har makt, men som trivsel er betinget av mine avgjørelser."

Ikke EN avis har holdt folket a jour med den nye TISA frihandelsavtalen som Norge er i ferd med å inngå med den private Bilderberg Group i USA som vil totalt ødelegge det demokratiet og menneskerettigheter som det norske folk har oppbygget over generasjoner.

Det kortsiktige i denne beslutningen er jo at det er publikum som abbonenter til media som betaler det meste til deres oppretthold,men likevel holdes utenfor livsviktige nyheter som har med deres fremtid å gjøre.

Vår regjering er fast bestemt på å signere denne avtalen over hodet på elektoratet som har valgt dem inn i regjering,og har pålagt munnkurv til alle våre media som jo mottar store statlige tillskudd til deres drift og derfor ikke har mot til annet.

Å svikte folket på denne katastofale måten er intet annet enn forræderi mot våre borgere.

Det burde innføres en BETINGELSE for å operere innenfor begrepet ´Media´ at alle måtte bli innsverget i et løfte liknende den hippokratiske ed som er pålagt alle leger.


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