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First House AS
Etablert21. september 2009
BransjeKommunikasjonsrådgivning og annen virksomhet i tilknytning til dette
StyrelederLeif Monsen
Adm. dir.Per Høiby
First House er et norsk kommunikasjons- og rådgivningsselskap som startet virksomhet mandag 4. januar 2010. Selskapet ble kjent allerede i oktober 2009 da det ble kjent at en rekke toppolitikere var gründere av selskapet.[1][2]Selskapet leverer rådgivning innen finansiell og politisk kommunikasjon, virksomhetskommunikasjon, lederkommunikasjon, posisjonering, krise- og mediehåndtering.

Selskapet er strukturert som et partnerskap. Daglig leder i First House er Per Høiby[3], styreleder er Leif Monsenog gründer av selskapet Bjørn Richard Johansen er styrets nestleder. Selskapet har 14 partnere av totalt 31 ansatte.[2] Videre har selskapet tilknyttet 9 industrielle rådgivere som senior assosierte partnere. Den norske diplomaten Morten Wetland er en av partnerne i selskapet.[4] Beate NossumBjarne Håkon HanssenBjørn Richard JohansenGeir Arne DrangeidHans-Christian VadsethJan-Erik Larsen, Kari Holm Hejna, Ketil Lindseth, Leif Monsen, Morten Andreas MeyerMorten Wetland, Per Høiby, Tor Mikkel Wara og Torbjørn Giæver Eriksen er partnere i selskapet.

Bjørn Olav BlokhusEinar Lunde, Even Nordstrøm, Geir HelljesenJon Erling TenvikNils M. Apeland, Thoralf Granerød, Øystein Bonvik og Tore Østby er senior assosierte partnere i First House.
Selskapet har jevnlig fått oppmerksomhet i media, særlig for sine ansettelser av tidligere politikere. I Dagsavisen den 29. mars 2012 ble First House brukt av tidligere statsminister Thorbjørn Jagland som et eksempel på en ikke-demokratisk maktansamling.[5][6] I mai 2014 kom Aftenpostens Harald Stanghelle med påstander om av First House skal ha vært engasjert av Kina eller «kinesiske interesser» for å sverte Thorbjørn Jagland og å påvirke sammensetningen av den norske Nobelkomiteen.[4] First avviste dette, og klagde Stanghelle inn til PFU.[7] Tirsdag 23. september slo Pressens Faglige Utvalg fast at Aftenposten brøt god presseskikk i en kommentarartikkel om selskapet. First House klaget Aftenposten inn for utvalget som konkluderte med at avisa skulle gitt selskapet anledning til såkalt samtidig imøtegåelse. Men avisa ble ikke felt for sitt kildevalg fordi utvalget mente det tydelig fremkom i artikkelen.

First House ble kåret til Årets konsulentselskap i Norge i 2014 av Konsulentguiden.[8] I 2012 vant selskapet SABRE Awards som årets nykommer i Europa, Midtøsten og Afrika (EMEA). Dette er en internasjonal konkurranse i regi av Holmes Report. Selskapet ble også nominert til Finance Consultancy of the year i 2012 av Holmes Report.


First House is a Norwegian strategic advisory, corporate communications, governmental affairs and crisis management/issue management agency.

First House, with 31 senior advisers and 9 industrial advisers, started its operation Monday 4 January 2010. It was founded by former head of global corporate communication in GlitnirIslandsbanki, and communications advisor inSparebank1 Bjørn Richard Johansen. The firm is located with office in Oslo and Stavanger in Norway and in Brussels. Managing partner is Per Høiby, brother of Crown Princess Mette-Marit.[1] Partner Leif Monsen is Chair of the board in First House.

Key partners and cofounders was among other former state secretary at the Prime Minister office Jan-Erik LarsenState Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister,[2] minister of three different ministries including the Ministry of Health and Care Services, Bjarne Håkon Hanssen and state secretary Ketil Lindseth.[3] Several of the firms advisers, including Bjarne Håkon Hanssen got 6 months quarantine before they could join the firm.[2] The founder Bjørn Richard Johansenrecruited politicians as partners and co-founders of the firm, something which has been sharply criticized.[4] This led to a debate about the PR-industry and its growing importance in Norway. 

Notable former politicians and political advisers that work for the company include Morten Andreas MeyerHaakon DagestadTorbjørn Solsnes. (Høyre, The Conservative party), Tor Mikkel Wara(Fremskrittspartiet/The progressive party), Torbjørn Giæver Eriksen and Morten Wetland (Arbeiderpartiet/Labor) and Erlend Fuglum (Senterpartiet/The Centre Party). Former notable journalists include news editor in VG (VG, Schibsted) for several years Hans-Christian Vadseth, NRK reporter for more than 40 years Geir Helljesen and Einar Lunde Partner Beate Nossum, former reporter at NRKDagbladetDagsavisenFædrelandsvennen and employees at the environmental NGO Bellona is partner with First House. Nossum also serve as a board member at the environmental NGO GreenNudge in Norway. Several of the firms advisers got background form the foreign services, including Bjørn Olav Blokhus. A former lawyer with 25 years experience in the foreign service including ambassador to Indonesia and East Timor for six years, Consul General in Shanghai for four years and ambassador to Morocco and Mauritania. He also has experience as a journalist and spokesman for the Foreign Minister. His peer and partner Morten Wetland joined the firm in 2013 from the position as Norway´s UNambassador. Wetland also served as the Norwegian ambassador to Germany.

A similar group of senior advisers with background from the industry and finance are working at the firm: Geir Arne Drangeid worked with Aker for 22 years, including many years as a key member of the leadership team of the successful Norwegian tycoon Kjell Inge Røkke. He leads the firms focus on the finance sector and private equity including M&A, IPOs and legislation advisory. Key members in this unit include Leif MonsenKari Holm Hejna and Andreas Nyheim. Nyheim joined First House from Norway´s business daily Dagens Næringsliv in 2013.

The firm won the award as Consultancy of the year 2014 in Norway by Konsulentguiden. First House also received the award as SABRE Newcomer of the year byHolmes Report in May 2012 and was nominated as SABRE Financial consultancy of the year in May 2013.

Minister of Agriculture and Food in the current Conservative/Progressive Erna Solberg government in Norway, Sylvi Listhaug, worked with First House until she stepped down to join the ministerial position in October 2013.

Dean of the Marketing college (Markedshøyskolen) Trond Blindheim has referred to First House as the company with "the most expansive and clever lobbyists".[1]On 19 June 2013 Dagbladet said that the company commenting on the Norwegian parliamentary election 2013 for TV2, is a conflict of interest.


The Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission sprang from the Bilderbergers when one of its principal members, Esso or Standard Oil's David Rockefeller came into conflict with his fellows over whether to include Japan in the club. Upon reading the 1970 book Between Two Ages, David Rockefeller lured its writer, Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, away from Columbia University to become the Chairman and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Brzezinski, who later became the mastermind of Jimmy Carter's foreign affairs and national security blunders, is still looked to as a policy guru by the liberal media today. Using the same collectivist mindset, objectives and premise as the CFR, Rockefeller funded and set up the New York-based Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brzezinski as its intellectual architect and purposely patterned after Brzezinski's book.

Along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and a few others, including the Brookings Institution,
Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller convened initial meetings and held their first executive committee meeting in Tokyo in October 1973. Members include corporate CEOs, politicians of all major parties, distinguished academics, university presidents, labor union leaders and not-for-profits involved in overseas philanthropy.

The Trilateral Commission was founded to become a type of international CFR. The goal of the Trilateral Commission is to align the free world with the advanced communist states to organize a world government. 
[Eric Barger, "The New World Order Under Clinton: Establishment Insiders and Political Deceit," The Christian World Report, May 1993, pg. 7.]

Members of the Trilateral Commission were instrumental in creating the European Union as well. The EU is the prototype of global governance that will soon exert its influence to reshuffle world relationships.

Some people who are or have been members include:
  • David RockefellerDavid Rockefeller: Founder of the Commission; Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank board from 1969 to 1981; Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985, now honorary Chairman; a life member of the Bilderberg Group.
  • William Jefferson ClintonGeorge BushPresidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton
  • Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Dianne Feinstein, David Gergen, Henry Kissinger
  • Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker
  • Caspar Weinberger: Secretary of Defense under Reagan
  • Yotaro Kobayashi, (chairman of the Fuji Xerox company),
  • John H. Bryan (former CEO of Sara Lee bakeries, affiliated with the World Economic Forum and part of the Board for Sara Lee, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, British Petroleum and Bank One).

    Henry Paulson, Secretary of the TreasuryDue to Goldman Sachs secretive culture and revolving door relationship with the Federal government, Goldman has recently been referred to as Wall Street's secret society, with former Goldman employees currently heading the New York Stock Exchange, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury Department, the White House staff, and even rival firms such as Merrill Lynch. Its landmark profits during the 2007 Subprime mortgage financial crisis led the New York Times to proclaim that Goldman Sachs is without peer in the world of finance.
  • James E. Burke (CEA of Johnson & Johnson from 1976 to 1989)
  • Hank Greenberg (former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), the world's largest insurance and financial services corporation). It should come as no surprise that when AIG faced huge investment losses that threatened its solvency in 2008, the American government stepped in with billions of dollars of taxpayer money to keep the company afloat.
  • Lee Raymond (ExxonMobil (Former CEO and Chairman, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute, director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., director and member of the Executive Committee and Policy Committee of the American Petroleum Institute), and others.


Er redd First House lobbyistene har fått for stor makt over Stortinget/Regjeringen og

koster landet en formue i gebyrer grunnet stortingsrepresentanter med tildels lav

utdanning og erfaring.

Et stort spørsmål er også HVEM de egentlig repesenterer? Sannsynligvis det øvre skikt i

vårt samfunn som betaler meget bra for fremming av DERES økonomiske interesser,og

ikke for ´folk flest´.

Så vidt meg bekjent finnes det allerede en til dels uvirksom,tannløs kontrollkommité i

Stortinget. Mener det var mere fornuftig å ruste opp denne ´tilstedeværende´gruppen

med et fast,erfarent of nøytralt mannskap fra lovrett og sosiologi som har fingeren på

pulsen vedr. problemene som oppstår for ´folk flest´ ved feilaktige ratifikasjoner av nye

og endrede proposisjoner fra finans og andre departementer. Deres oppgave skal også

ivareta av proposisjonene ikke bryter med vår konstitusjon eller andre internasjonale

traktater og avtaler vi har underskrevet med andre land.

Gangen burde være at alle departement proposisjoner behandles FØRST av Stortingets

Kontrollkommité,går så til Regjeringen som søker aksept fra Stortinget. Og endelig til

ratifisering ved kongelig audiens.

The Trilateral Commission er en annen verdensomspennende finansiell kontroll

organisasjon som truer verdens rett til folkestyre.



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