Til beskyttelse av utenlandspensjonistenes rettigheter iht.norsk lov samt demokrati for verdens befolkning.
For the protection of overseas pensioners rights in accordance with the Norwegian Constitution as
well as democracy for all citizens. WE ARE TOTALLY AGAINST TTIP and The New World Order. NWO
Not since the Tory party split over the repeal of
the Corn Laws in the 1840s has trade been such a sexy issue. There was
an unprecedented response when the European commission held a public
consultation, virtually all of it negative. Labour MEPs say it comes up
often when they are canvassing – almost certainly a first for a trade
No, the real problem for TTIP is the investor state dispute settlement
(ISDS) mechanism and, at this stage, it looks like a deal-breaker. The
rationale is that investors needs protection from their property being
seized by a foreign government, and that redress should come from an
independent panel. But, in truth, an ISDS is not necessary when both parties in a deal
already have robust legal systems to deal with grievances. There is a
strong suspicion that US companies, with their notoriously litigious
approach, will use ISDS as a means of putting the frighteners on elected
governments. The big concern in the UK is that ISDS would put the NHS
at risk, with privatisation of services becoming much harder to reverse. So while TTIP
might boost growth and jobs, ISDS has made the deal politically toxic
on this side of the Atlantic. If ISDS is taken off the table, the US
will demand concessions in return, diluting the agreement. The
alternative, though, is no deal at all !!
Håper vår regjering følger med meningene og resultatene i Storbritania.
Det KAN bli en skjebnesvanger avtale for Norge og vårt demokrati,da de vil påtvinge oss en sideavtale benevnt ISDS, investor state dispute settlement, som kan bøtlegge vår regjering for milliarder hvis de kan finne grunn til at våre lover hindrer eller begrenser deres forretningsinvesteringer. Dette har allerede hendt flere steder i Europa.
Husk!! TTIP består av 85% eiere/investorer med juridisk bakgrunn, vi forstår hvorfor!
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