The Otium Post

The Otium Post


Bilderberg using Islamic State to propose the removal of paper money


Transparent effort to demonize sound money and gold standard
Islamic State Promotes Gold, Austrian Economics
A video puportedly released by Al Hayat, said to be the Islamic State’s media center, extolls the gold standard and Austrian economics. (Removed)
The video, featuring a perfect English voice over, denounces the Federal Reserve:
…as history repeated itself, one of the great forms of corruption that the earth came to witness was the dark rise of bank notes, borne out of the satanic conception of banks, which mutated into a fraudulent system of enslavement orchestrated by the Federal Reserve in America – a private corporation and system that would, through the use of deceit and force, deprive people of their due, by imposing upon them the usage of the piece of paper that came to be known as the dollar bill.

“What better way to mute demands for a return to sound money and the gold standard, than by making them equivalent to jihadist terrorism?” Zero Hedge noted on Sunday.
The point is, “as the nuanced, C-grade made in Hollywood propaganda goes, is to pitch an anti-Fed, anti-fractional reserve, pro-gold standard ideology, and make it equivalent to the evil terrorist thoughts spread by the Islamic Jihadist group.”
As noted by and others, ISIS is a creation of the United States and the Gulf Emirates, specifically designed to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria. This was admitted in declassified US Defense Intelligence Agency documents from 2012.
It should come as no surprise the Islamic State — which is not, in technical terms, even a state, and is instead a large group of marauding terrorists — would put out propaganda designed to demonize the predominate threat to the global elite: sound money.
What is truly astounding is the transparency of the effort.



The initiation of a coup on cash is underway:

The powerful Bilderberg Group will discuss imposing more capital controls on average citizens while HSBC, whose Group Chairman will attend the conference, is set to pay more than $40 million dollars for illegal money laundering involving arms dealers and helping the wealthy avoid taxes. It’s very much a case of do as we say, not as we do.

Ironic therefore it is that HSBC representatives will be party to discussions at Bilderberg centered around moving towards the abolition of cash and the imposition of capital controls on ordinary citizens in the name of stopping tax fraud and allowing more state control over people’s finances.

During the conference, Bilderberg will set the consensus for green lighting economic restrictions under the justification of stopping financing for terror groups like ISIS. Bilderberg will also discuss new controls on the sale of precious metals throughout Europe.

Numerous influential voices have recently called for eliminating physical currency altogether, giving central banks and governments the power to directly control your finances under the justification of preventing an economic collapse and bank runs.

If it involves “too big to jail” bankers and secrecy, it can’t be good for ordinary people.

If cash is criminalized, then everyone will be forced to be on the grid, and using what is essentially a digital currency inside a system controlled and watched from beginning to end by the banking industry.

The insiders will then have total power, information on and profit from every transaction.

That, surely, is the mark of the beast… a world in which free men are outlawed, and compliance is the only acceptable form of payment.



The Bilderberg Group oligarc´s desperate move to cover up their failed and bursting economic bubble, promoting the removal of paper money via ISIS propaganda,their own created and supported monster .  Exactly what they proposed a short while back.

The Rise of the Khilafah ... video which was removed,is an infantile dream like the Thousand and one night fabel but with violence and war to promote an Arab Spring like revolution to create a Kalifat in Syria. It´s intended audience,the simple,uneducated and poor masses of the muslim world,still living in the past.

HERE is the real reason for the mass exodus of people from Syria,Irak and Boko Haram controlled Africa into Europe to cause chaos and remove all national adherence,human rights and democracy.  And,worst of all, NATO is also Bilderberg created and controlled.  We are TRULY in the shit!!!!  to coin a phrase.


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