The Otium Post

The Otium Post


The Greek drinking water is sold to Nestlé

The Greek drinking water is sold
A leak shows that the troika pushed Greece to privatize water. The Norwegian oil fund joins the large company Nestlé's agenda to make profit on water.
Isaac Lekve is a scholar of sociology department in Bergen.
Last summer, it emerged that the management of multinational Nestlé, working to change the perception of water as a human right, and transform it into a commodity. The aim of this is of course that just companies like Nestlé - already among the world's leading sellers of bottled water - should be able to make more money. Easily.
Water means profit!

However, to achieve this, water may not be a public good that government has a responsibility to deliver homes to people through public water supply systems. People must understand that the water supply is something that should be "left to the market", i.e. taken over by private, profit-oriented owners. A necessary consequence being that the payment for running water must be increased - or else it will not be possible to earn this money - and competition for Nestlé ´s bottled water will soon be significantly increased
Troika demanded privatization of water
And exactly this has also been proven in several German cities like Berlin. And quite right, both profits and price (on access to water) has increased substantially. In the summer it also appeared that privatization of water supply was a key requirement of the troika agreement with Greece, when documents were leaked from by the green Europe legislator Sven Giegold.
Northern European capitals get ready to make money on water supply including Athens and Thessaloniki. That a consequence of increasing prices also inevitably will mean that someone will not be able to pay - seems insignificant for capital commanders in the troika. Despite the fact that the third article of the UN Declaration affirms unequivocally the human right to life. Life is notoriously dependent on water - and to ensure the free access should therefore be a public matter, supporting that statement is not only all the countries included in the EU but also all parties here at home who usually defends the union.
Oil Fund backer Nestlé
One thing however is supported in theory, it is unison in Norway. Something else is practice - and the Norwegian oil fund selected as one of the major shareholders in Nestle, without qualms to use its power to re-elect the controversial leadership and their agenda. The right to life is certainly not so important when there is money to be made. And while poor Greeks are now getting ready for further cuts in everything from jobs, pensions, salaries and assistance to the growing number of unemployed - so is the neoliberal troika getting ready to check that dictation is carried out, water supply is privatized and an exhausted people have to use an increasing share of declining resources to gain access to something as basic as water.
Berlin re-nationalized water
Meanwhile, domestic German authorities discovered the madness - and an expensive renationalisation campaign is underway in cities such as Berlin. The German leadership operates on the one hand with ensuring water supply to their own citizens - and on the other hand refuses the Greek government to work towards the same. Some people are known more equal than others - in this case own voters.

That both the troika and Nestlé seeks to push forward privatization, exposes capitalism where profits and the increasing opportunities to monetize increasingly more necessities trumps the most basic needs of people and nature. 



But this is precisely what the private Bilderberg group consisting of a group of wealthy 'oligarcs' without national adherence are doing. This is planned since Bilderberg´s foundation in 1954, world dominance of food, water and power. One of these old 'oligarks' uttered "Whoever controls the food supply chain, controls the people." With its TISA-TPPI and TPP 'free trade agreements' they will privatize EVERYTHING which is vital to human subsistence in order to acquire TOTAL world dominance through their planned THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  Just listen to the rantings of Nestlé´s CEO Peter Brabeck in the video above,who is of course also a Bilderberg member.

If they manage to partially/fully privatize human resources under their 'free trade agreements', there's no turning back. In other words, it is not possible to reverse in the future. To take advantage of a country's economic tragedy in this way is typical for Bilderberg's members, they have performed this way for years without scruples. Their aim is to create unrest, war and chaos, setting people against each other, only to earn rampantly by the reconstruction through large loans. This is the work of Satan himself, personified ...


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