The Otium Post

The Otium Post


Stop the corporate takeover of Africa’s agriculture!

Today representatives from rich countries and big agribusinesses are deciding how to expand the corporate takeover of Africa’s food, in a secret meeting closed off from the majority of Africa’s farmer groups.

The G7 New Alliance has been criticised by almost 100 organisations from around the world for threatening African small-scale farmers’ control over their land and seeds. This isn’t about ‘fighting hunger’ - the scheme is pumping billions of pounds of aid money to facilitate big agribusinesses taking over African food systems. One example is the New Alliance-backed “Monsanto law” in Ghana that would allow multinational corporations to control seeds of small-scale farmers. 

The UK will be present at the meeting today. We must tell our government that our aid money should be supporting positive farmer-led alternatives, not enabling big business to take over Africa’s resources.

Instead of the false solutions sold by industrial agriculture, groups from across Africa are calling for investment in agroecology, sustainable farming that is free from expensive chemicals and corporate controlled seeds. This is our chance to show them our support.

Heidi Chow
Food campaigner

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