The Otium Post

The Otium Post


Would you believe it ? Would you trust this Rockefeller ?


I believe it,as horrific as it is,and NO, I would definitely NOT trust this man. The trouble is,it is too unreal,and the majority of the people just don´t believe it,it is too grotesque. Anyone trying to bring the truth home to the people are classified as fanatics,head cases and worse. The fact is,both the Illuminati and the Bilderberg conspirators who talks with the lying tongue of the devil,also knows this,and time is therefore in their hands. The people will realize too late.

The leaders of the Bilderberg Group are old men in their 90´s  who will never see the catastrophical results of their evil visions.

Don´t take MY word for it,look for yourself,do a frequent ´google´ on the Internet with the phrases of `Bilderberg news`and ´Illuminati news`,and you will find dozens of articles about the subject. As you read,you will start to realize the enormity of what is ACTUALLY going on behind our backs.

Basically,the aim is to drastically reduce the earth´s * population by various methods,and the remaining people to become a homogenuous mass with total obediance to a small,evil aristocracy. ISIL was created exacly for this purpose by Bilderberg/CIA. By massive killing and bestial executions,entire populations from Syria and Irak are migrating like ant colonies into Europe,destroying all nationalism,belief and character with their coming generations which will become a homogenous population without nationality . Europe is getting into a desperate situation,unable to stop the tide of refugees,and unable to house and feed them

The so called TTIP and TPP free-trade agreements are only ´trojan horses´ carrying dark messengers destroying our present way of life,turning us into slaves.

BUT, as I said,don´t take MY word for it,get your head out of the sand and INVESTIGATE,using the important tool of Internet while it is still available to us. This will be one of the first information media they will deny us,they already own the majority of the world´s main newspapers and TV stations.  Are you not surprised your papers never have information on these important events? The Bilderberg Group recently had a meeting in Tirol with over a 100 of the richest most important people present from many countries,but not a word was mentioned by the press leading up to the meeting date,and very scarce information after the event.  Wondered why???

If you look back at the many articles I have googled from the Internet in previous blogs of The Otium Post you will start to understand the enormity of what is going on,which has been planned over a long time.

We are created with free will to make choices. Indoctrination is not acceptable by our free will.   We create evil with our poor choices, but evil is a “temporary condition”, goodness is our destiny!  Also remember,Omission is a sin!




JEG tror det er virkelighet, så forferdelig og utrolig det enn høres ut, og nei, jeg ville definitivt ikke stole på David Rockefeller,en av lederne i Bilderberg Gruppen. Problemet er at det er for uvirkelig, og flertallet av mennesker kan bare ikke tro det, det er for grotesk. Alle som prøver å bringe sannheten frem for folk blir klassifisert som fanatikere, psykopater og verre. Faktum er, både Illuminati og Bilderberg som sammensvorne,som taler løgner med djevelens tunge, forstår også dette, og tiden er derfor fremdeles i deres hender. Folket vil innse dette for sent.

Lederne av THE Bilderberg Group er gamle menn rundt 80-90 år, som aldri vil se de katastrofiske resultatene av deres onde manipuleringer av menneskeheten.

Men ta ikke mitt ord for det, se for deg selv, ta en regelmessig 'google' på Internet med setninger som `Bilderberg news`and 'Illuminati news`, så vil du du finne dusinvis av artikler og videoer om emnet. Når du har lest en del og satt deg nøyere inn i sakene, vil du begynne å innse det uhyrlige av hva som faktisk er i ferd med å skje bak vår rygg.

I utgangspunktet er det Bilderberg´s mål å drastisk redusere størrelsen på jordens befolkning ved hjelp av forskjellige metoder, og den gjenværende befolkningen blir til en homogen masse med total underkastelse til en liten, ond adelssirkel.. 

ISIL ble opprettet nøyaktig til dette formålet av Bilderberg / CIA. Ved massivt drap på befolkninger,hittil rundt 20.000 eller mer,og bestialske henrettelser, er hele befolkninger i Syria og Irak på flukt til Europa som maurkolonier. Dette skal ødelegge all nasjonalisme, tro og verdier i alle Europeiske land med de kommende generasjoner som vil bli en homogen befolkning uten nasjonalitet og tilhørighet. 

Europa er inne i en desperat situasjon, ute av stand til å stoppe bølgen av flyktninger, og ute av stand til å huse og mate dem. Grunnet mangel på språkkyndighet og utdannelse blir det ingen lett sak å sysselsette dem,og de blir en kolossal belastning for vårt velferdssystem,hvis det da i det hele tatt fremdeles eksisterer.

Den såkalte TTIP og TPP frihandelsavtalene er bare 'trojanske hester' med mørke budbringere som har til hensikt å ødelegge vårt nåværende demokrati og nasjonal tilhørighet, for å gjøre oss til slaver for en liten gruppe med ALL makt.

Men, som jeg sa tidligere, ikke ta MITT ord for det, få hodet ut av sanden og ta en grundig undersøkelse ved hjelp av regelmessig ´googling´ av Internet mens det fortsatt er tilgjengelig for oss. Lær også å lese ´mellom linjene´. Dette vil være en av de første informasjonsmedia de vil nekte oss, da de allerede eier og har kontroll over majoriteten av verdens viktigste aviser og TV-stasjoner. 

Er du ikke overrasket over at avisene aldri har informasjon om disse viktige hendelsene? The Bilderberg Group har nylig hatt et møte i Tyrol med over 100 av de rikeste og mektigste personene tilstede fra mange land, men ikke ett ord ble nevnt av pressen i forkant av møtedatoen, og svært knappe rapporter etter sammenkomsten. Lurer du ikke på hvorfor ???

Hvis du ser tilbake på de mange artiklene jeg har ´googled´ fra Internet i tidligere innlegg i The Otium Post, vil du begynne å forstå enormiteten av hva som er i ferd med å skje. Dette er noe som har vært planlagt over lang tid siden stiftelsen av Bilderberg Gruppen i 1956 og de fleste av deres ´sovende´ utvalgte regjeringstopper er forlengst allerede innstallert.

Vi er skapt med fri vilje til å ta egne avgjørelser. Indoktrinering er ikke akseptabelt med fri vilje. Vi skaper ulykker ved dårlige valg, men det onde er av en "midlertidig tilstand", godhet er vår skjebne! Husk også at Utelatelse er en synd!



It is becoming more and more apparent that the Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or «Daesh» as it is known in Arabic, or ISIS – the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham — preferred by Israel supporters because of the uncomforting similarity between «Israel» and «ISIL» – is part of another Central Intelligence Agency operation to artificially create a new «strategy of tensions» for the Eurasian and African land masses.

It is also clear that ISIL, from the very beginning, was a construct of the CIA and its pro-Saudi and pro-Israeli director, John Brennan; Israel’s Mossad, which has ensured that Israeli targets are exempt from ISIL attack; and Saudi Arabia, which actually permitted ISIL attacks against two Shi’a mosques, one in the village of al-Qadeeh and the other in Dammam, in the Eastern Province, where Shi’as have a majority over Wahhabist Sunnis. In Iraq and Syria, U.S. and Israeli weapons have been seen by eyewitnesses being transferred to ISIL and forces of its allies, including the Al Nusra Front in Syria. Saudi bank cash receipts have been found in abandoned ISIL headquarters in both Syria and Iraq. The ISIL attacks on the Shi’as of Saudi Arabia are believed by many to be warnings by the unholy alliance of Washington, Tel Aviv, and Riyadh against predominantly Shi’a Iran.


The great culling has begun: will your genetic lineage survive?


Natural News

Aug 10, 2012

Mike Adams

The “Great Culling” of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive?

That’s what this article explores: WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving the great culling.

First, let’s dismiss any idea that the great culling is some sort of fanciful conspiracy theory. World power brokers like Bill Gates and Ted Turner openly discuss reducing the world population by 90%. Bill Gates, in particular, happily funds infertility technologies, vaccines and GMOs, all of which are purposely designed to cause infertility and halt new baby births, thereby sharply contracting the human population.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example provided significant funding to the University of North Carolina to develop ultrasound infertility technology that could render human sperm unviable for up to six months. Reported by the BBC, this technology was proven effective on rats, and it’s only one of 78 different research projects the Gates Foundation has funded under the guise of “global health programs.”

Bill Gates famously explained his depopulation agenda through the use of vaccines with this quote, delivered to a live TED audience in 2010:

The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. 

“Eliminate the weak”

That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. It’s not debated. This is what today’s politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the “environmental” movement wish to achieve — the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. It’s difficult to see how today’s mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers — steeped in video games, television and junk food — can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, “culling the herd” of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that today’s human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else — if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who aren’t smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

The word for this is, of course, eugenics. Adolf Hitler pursued the same philosophy: Improve the human race through genocide. Eliminate the weak, the ugly, the stupid. Fire up the incinerators, disarm the target race to be exterminated, and herd them into gas chambers or open pits.

Modern eugenics

Today’s eugenicists are more subtle. They’ve learned, through experience, that openly gassing entire populations doesn’t win over the hearts and minds of the public. So they’ve developed covert methods of accomplishing the same thing. These coverts methods include convincing people to eat genetically modified foods — which promote infertility — to drink fluoride, take vaccines, use synthetic chemicals, increase abortions and pursue other actions that either kill people outright or drastically reduce rates of reproduction.

The idea behind these is that, first off, the culling of the human race can now be accomplished without all the horrifying images of Nazi Germany’s gas chambers. While the Jews in World War II had to be forcibly lined up and herded into railroad cars, today’s eugenics victims willfully line up at pharmacies to be injected with flu vaccines containing stealth cancer viruses that accomplish the same thing: Death by vaccines is just slower and more covert than death by Zyklon B.

The great intelligence test

Importantly, the genocidal properties of vaccines, GMOs, chemical food additives, medications and other synthetic chemicals function as a sort of intelligence test for the population. Those who routinely take vaccines are, of course, stupid. Removing the stupid people — the “useless eaters” — from the gene pool is one of the goals of the global controllers. Thus, vaccinepropaganda serves as the perfect filter for removing “stupid genes” from the human gene pool. This is no doubt why globalists so aggressively push vaccines on low-income families — they equate “low income” with “not qualified to reproduce.”

Importantly, vaccines contain stealth cancer viruses that are passed along through multiple generations. The SV40 viruses introduced to the population through polio vaccines in the 1950’s still exists today in the grandchildren of those who were first vaccinated. This is openly admitted by top scientists who helped develop these vaccines 

Meanwhile, the efficacy of these vaccines is completely and utterly fabricated, as has been exposed by two whistleblower scientists who blew the lid on scientific fraud taking place at Merck (…).

Many pharmaceuticals directly cause infertility, by the way. Propecia, a Merck baldness drug, has now been linked to infertility and ejaculation disorders 

The game is on: You are living a reality game called “Survivor”

The big picture here is this: The game is on. You are a contestant in a reality game called “Survivor.” If you win, you survive and your genes go on to represent the future of the human race. If you lose, your genetic lineage is annihilated… permanently removed from the future of the human race.

My goal is to help you — the intelligent reader of NaturalNews — ensure that your genetic material remains in the “survivor” side of this equation. I want you to beat Bill Gates at his own game. And surviving is winning

Remember: the goal of the controllers is to kill off roughly 90% of the existing population, either through a fast-kill weapon release, or the “slow kill” method of causing global infertility. While Bill Gates only publicly mentioned 10% – 15% in his 2010 quote (above), Ted Turner publicly announced, on video, that he believes the population should be reduced by roughly 70% to the “two billion” level. You can see that astonishing video, filmed by Luke Rudkowski, at:

Behind the scenes at secret meetings, the real reduction levels being discussed are in the 90% range. If this is the real goal, it would mean a typical person only has a 1 in 10 chance of winning the survivor game.

In this article, I show you how to flip those odds, giving you roughly a 90% chance of winning the survivor game. That’s the ultimate victory: Surviving, having healthy babies, and raising them to contribute to the betterment of human civilization. There’s probably very little you or I can do to stop the culling of 90% of the population, as many people today seem bent on their own self destruction. But at least we can make sure we remain in the 10% of the survivors who go on to have healthy offspring and contribute to a future of liberty, freedom and spiritual advancement.

So, to begin, let’s first explore the threats to your life and your fertility. These are things you must avoid if you hope to win the survivor game.

The 7 threats to your survival and fertility

1) GMOs – Engineered to grow poisonous chemicals right in the crops themselves, GMOs are also designed to cause reproductive failure in any mammal consuming them.

2) Vaccines – Loaded with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants, vaccines are the primary cause behind today’s rising rates of infertility, birth defects and spontaneous abortions. Vaccines are aggressively pushed in minority neighborhoods and low-income areas.

3) Chemtrails – Formulated with aluminum, barium and other heavy metals, chemtrails cause human exposure to toxic metals that impair brain function and neurological function. This exposure may contribute to birth defects and deformities, but details need to be further explored.

4) Prescription medications – Prescription drugs and chemotherapy damage DNA, promote impotence and decrease both sperm quality and egg quality.

5) Chemical food additives – These chemicals damage DNA and egg quality, causing infertility to be passed down through multiple generations of females. What you eat today can damage the eggs of your great-great-great granddaughter. Poisons in the food supply right now include sodium nitrite (in nearly all processed meats), MSG, aspartame and chemical preservatives.

6) Biological weapons release – A possible “fast kill” scenario being explored by world governments, a biological weapons release can burn through the population with high kill rates while being conveniently blamed on any desired scapegoat such as a fictional terrorist group. “We are at war with Eurasia!”

7) Food fascism leading to starvation – Corporations like Monsanto are seeking total global domination (and corporate ownership) over the entire food supply. This concept is called “food fascism,” and it would allow corporations and governments to determine who eats and who starves. Notice how home gardens are under attack? (

Raw milk centers are raided at gunpoint? 

( Backyard ranching is being criminalized? ( This is all part of the food fascism assault that’s already underway in our world.

Those are the top threats to your survival and fertility. What follows next is how to beat them.

The 10 strategies for beating the odds and winning the survivor game

#1) Avoid all poisons – These means eliminating all GMOs, fluoride, aspartame, MSG, artificial fragrances, chemical medications, chemical food additives and all other synthetic chemicals from your life. For most families, this means gutting your pantry, bathroom counters, garage chemicals and lawn care chemicals. Remember: The globalist controllers refuse to eat GMO and consume only organic foods. Ever wonder why? Because they know the chemical-laden, genetically modified foods are being used to kill off the uninformed masses.

#2) Use nutrition to protect your DNA – This is absolutely crucial. Good nutrition (superfoods, high mineralization, antioxidants, plant concentrates, etc.) can prevent DNA damage from exposure to low-levels of radiation as well as toxic chemicals. Above all, good nutrition boosts reproductive health, sperm quality, egg quality, and even brain function (so you think more clearly and don’t get suckered into globalist propaganda).

#3) Do not vaccinate your children – This is a key defense against the great culling. Those who vaccinate their children condemn them to increased risks of infertility, thereby putting their entire genetic line at risk of annihilation. By avoiding vaccines and allowing your children to naturally experience the chicken pox or measles, you actually make them stronger and more resistant to future infections.

#4) Grow your own food – The only food you can truly trust is food you grow yourself. Using heirloom seeds, ocean water trace mineral concentrates, soil probiotics and rainwater, grow food that nourishes your body and brain. Save your seeds and re-plant them each season. Over time, they will adapt to your specific soils and climate, improving yields and seed viability. See our heirloom survival seed solution at:

#5) Learn skills of self defense and physical security – Be prepared to physically defend your life, home and property against tyrants, looters, criminals or even zombies (!). Learn the fundamental skills of self defense, weapon competency and marksmanship. I teach this information in a downloadable preparedness course at:

#6) Reject mainstream propaganda – In order to protect your mind, you must refuse to subject yourself to the mind-numbing propaganda of the mainstream media. This means throwing out your television, shutting off cable news, and shifting to information sources such as truth-telling websites and books.

#7) Do not try to “save” everyone. Most of the masses will be culled. They are already beyond hope, having been poisoned with fluoride, vaccines, GMOs and other chemicals into a state of total denial. Have compassion for them, for they are the last of their kind. But do find other aware and informed survivors and get to know them. Share skills and knowledge. Form a community defense plan for a worst-case scenario possibility. Cross-train each other to spread skills across the group. There is strength in numbers.

#8) Follow a philosophy of core redundancies. Examine all the critical infrastructure necessary to support your life — food, water, heat, shelter, emergency medicine, defense, communications, etc. — and put at minimum a second layer of redundancy in place for each one.

#9) Train yourself for mental adaptability. In order to survive, you must not allow yourself to ever be locked into the “tunnel vision” of narrow thinking. To survive, you must be able to adapt, solve problems, and use resources in innovative ways. Training for this can include solving mental puzzles (including playing “problem solving” puzzle video games), exploring the outdoors, learning new skills (such as juggling), and trying out new hobbies. Do not let your mind stagnate. You will need it to be flexible.

#10) Avoid radiation exposure. Nothing damages your DNA faster than radiation, and sources of radiation are all around us. From the TSA body scanners at the airport to the CT scans ordered by your doctor, these harmful, ionizing radiation procedures damage your DNA and compromise fertility. Avoid using cell phones, Smart Meters and even wi-fi, if possible. Especially avoid medical imaging scans, dental X-rays and security scans of all kinds. Radiation damage is cumulative, meaning it gets progressively worse over time as you are exposed to repeated doses of low-level radiation.

Don’t be a victim, be a survivor

The point of all this information is simple: The “Great Culling” is upon us. (That’s also the name of a new documentary coming out that you’ll see announced here on NaturalNews.)

Population reduction has begun. For many, it’s already too late for their children and grandchildren because their DNA has been compromised beyond repair. They won’t realize this until their children or grandchildren can’t have their own children, but the damage has already been done now… today… in our time.

Remember: The eggs that produce a woman’s granddaughter are formed inside the womb of her own daughter during the time that daughter is forming in her own womb. (Yeah, really.) What a pregnant woman eats today, in other words, directly shapes the egg quality of her granddaughter. This also means it takes, at minimum, two generations to recover from toxic chemical exposure.

Years ago, I coined the term “Genopocalypse.” That genopocalypse is now under way, happening right in front of us. But most people aren’t aware of it, so they easily fall victim to it. But through awareness, education and proactive strategies of self-preservation, we can each refuse to become a victim of the depopulation agenda.

You are a survivor. That’s probably why you read NaturalNews. Now it’s time to put your knowledge and awareness into action. Make the changes outlined in this article — starting right now — and safeguard not only your own future, but the future of your entire genetic line for generations to come.


Eugenics, the social movement claiming to improve the genetic features of human populations through selective breeding and sterilization,[1] based on the idea that it is possible to distinguish between superior and inferior elements of society,[2] played a significant role in the history and culture of the United States prior to its involvement in World War II.[3]
Eugenics was practised in the United States many years before eugenics programs in Nazi Germany[4] and U.S. programs provided much of the inspiration for the latter.[5][6][7] Stefan Kühl has documented the consensus between Nazi race policies and those of eugenicists in other countries, including the United States, and points out that eugenicists understood Nazi policies and measures as the realization of their goals and demands.[5]
During the Progressive Era of the late 19th and early 20th century, eugenics was considered[by whom?] a method of preserving and improving the dominant groups in the population; it is now generally associated with racist and nativist elements[citation needed] (as the movement was to some extent a reaction to a change in emigration from Europe) rather than scientific genetics.


Hoeres jo helt villt ut. Det er ikke MINE ord,men hva jeg fant ved aa Google Internet paa setningen "Bilderberg culling"  eller "Illuminati culling".  Proev selv. Det finnes mange artikler og videoer om temaet.

Etter å ha studert en rekke artikler om TTIP frihandelsavtalen,samt tilstanden i den amerikansk økonomi, tilgjengelig over Internett, har puslespillet av denne svært hemmelig avtalen begynnt å ta form.

Faktum er, USA og dollaren er på vei mot den største resesjonen i sin historie, knapt berget i 2008-2012, og tidligere reddet av en mann, Adnan Sakli som for en stund ble garantist for hele verdens økonomi.

De amerikanske investor mogulene er nå livredde for å miste sin oppsamlede rikdom og vil gjøre HVA SOM HELST for å redde sine penger på bekostning av andre land og andre mennesker. Derfor TTIP, som et middel til å tjene raske penger basert på svik og løgn, som prøver å kjøre igjennom en transatlantisk avtale med EU-kommisjonen som inneholder en klausel om å oppløse de fleste av våre sikkerhetslover, legger landet åpent til fri plyndring av TTIP gribbene.

Klær og andre varer produsert i 3dje lands fabrikker med barnearbeid, uten sikkerhet eller rettigheter for de ansatte eller sikkerhetskontroller av produktene.

Her også for gen-manipulerte avlinger og forbruksvarer, produsert billig og importeres tollfritt til Europa og USA.

Kjemikalier og menneskelige legemidler, også produsert under samme forhold og mangel på tilstrekkelige produktkontroll, vil, med alle sikkerhetskrav fjernet, være en rask måte å bygge formuer på bekostning av sikkerheten og helsen til folk i Europa og USA.

Lav produksjonskostnad, frihandelsavtalen og fjerning av alle tradisjonelle sikkerhetsbestemmelser vil sikre en rask fortjeneste på sine investeringer, på bekostning av både helse og arbeidsplasser for den gjennomsnittlige mannen i gata.

En del av avtalen vil også tillate privat innkjøp i offentlige tjenester som helse service, sykehus, eldreomsorg osv, med en enveis klausul som forbyr senere tilbakekjøp av det offentlige.

Vår norske regjeringen har allerede løsnet opp til ideen om private økonomiske deltakelse i eldreomsorgen, samt lage lokale kommunale beslutninger i hemmelighet bak lukkede dører før de sendes til regjeringen for godkjenning. I skrivende øyeblikk, planlegger regjeringen å fjerne de vanlige 12 jury-medlemmer i en rettssak, i bytte for en hånd full forhåndsvalgte meddommere, som alle selvsagt vil snakke med samme stemme.

Den siste sparket til et lovløst Europa er at ethvert selskap som føler at deres salg har blitt hindret av lokale krefter, kan saksøke landet i sin egen domstol uten representasjon av det tiltalte landet som kan bli bøtelagt millioner av dollar.

I kaoset etter dollarens forfall verden over, vil Bildeberg Group og TTIP fortsette å blomstre på elendigheten av sultende mennesker forvandlet til slaver.

"Sic transit Gloria Democratia!"

Man begynner også etter hvert å læ re deres ´modus operandi´ som er nedskrevet I lovene til Illuminati som alle de andre tilhørige losjer og avdelinger må følge. Lik djevelen selv,lyver de alltid og benytter forskjellige metoder og verktøy til å skape strid mellom menneskene med store tap av liv,frihet og eiendom,som de belønnes med øket prestisje og rikdom. Illuminati er m.a.o djevelens verktøy for å manipulere menneskenes liv og tilstand.

ISIL´s overgrep og utslettelse av folkeslag I Syria og Irak har forårsaket en massiv menneskeflukt til Europa/EU landene med store tap av menneskeliv. Vi snakker her om rundt 50.000 flyktninger som krysser over til Italia,et liknende anntall sjøveien til Grekenland og nå også over land med bl.a. sykler og andre transportmidler rundt 80.000 flyktninger som er stadig økende.

Debatteringen I EU og Norge om kvoter av flyktninger er nå totalt bortkastet da det ikke er mulig å motta slike menneskemengder uten totalt kaos. Disse flyktningene er ikke språkkyndige,har ingen utdannelse og blir totalt avhengige av sosialhjelp til helse,mat og husly I uoversiktelig tid. Til sammenlikning med et skipsforlis hvor det kun er én livbåt tilgjengelig,fyller man den for full,synker den med alle ombord. For å overleve tar man kun et forsvarlig antall ombord og lar resten få noe å flyte på til evt. redning kommer.

Denne menneskeflukten er planlagt for mange år siden for å skape kaos innenfor EU landene,samt for å fjerne all nasjonal tilhørighet for å lage en homogen menneskerase som med tid skal bli ett verdensfolk av slaver for de mektige og mørke kreftene til Illuminati I deres planlagte ´The New World Order´ Dette er beskrevet I detalj I en av de andre innleggene I The Otium Post.

Hvem andre, uten Bildeberg Group og TTIP kunne ha laget en slik djevelsk avtale for å dekke sine egne ryggen i en økonomisk krise?

Bedre være uten TTIP, stramme inn våre belter og starte på nytt, for å skaper en ærlig verden i vårt ansikts sved, uten avhengighet av banker med forlokkende, men falske tilbud.

September 23 skal vistnok vaere en avgjørende dato i den jødiske kalender,men du kan lese mere om dette ved googling på internet.

We are created with free will to make choices. Indoctrination is not acceptable by our free will.   We create evil with our poor choices, but evil is a “temporary condition”, goodness is our destiny!  Also remember,Omission is a sin!



Why TPP sucks for Brazil

Why TPP sucks for Brazil

by SUSAN SELL on JUNE 12, 2015

On June 10th the Washington Post’s editorial page chastised Congress for “making free trade difficult”. Champions of Trade Promotion Authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) continue to label all skeptics as “opponents of free trade.” Many skeptics actually favor free trade, but the Trans-Pacific Partnership appears to be less about “free trade” and more about domestic regulatory harmonization. The post-WWII trade regime has been very successful in its aims of reducing tariffs and barriers to trade, expanding global market access, and integrating new players into the global trade regime. The spectacular economic rise of countries such as China, India, and Brazil is testament to the value of the trade route to lift millions out of poverty.

The House may vote on Trade Promotion (“Fast Track”) Authority (TPA) as early as Friday, June 12th. The Senate has already voted in favor of TPA and Obama has been working hard to get skeptical House Democrats on board to support it. If the House grants Obama TPA, it ties its hands to an “up or down” vote on TPP with no possibility for amendment. There is much at stake and citizens and representatives need to know who is drafting it, what it means for US democracy and sovereignty, and the effects it will have on public health.

Lobbyists representing corporate, not consumer, interests, drafted much of the TPP. William New, editor of IP-Watch and visiting fellow at Yale Law School, sued the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) under the Freedom of Information Act and obtained hundred of pages of e-mails sent between the 600 or so “cleared advisors” and USTR. Though heavily redacted, the e-mail demonstrated an extraordinarily chummy relationship between corporate lobbyists, CEOs, and USTR. As New points out, many of the industry representatives are former USTR officials. For instance, Stan McCoy – former USTRnegotiator of TPP – left USTR in April 2014 for a position as Senior Vice President and Policy Director for the Motion Picture Association. Former USTR Mickey Kantor became a lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing Association (PhRMA). The revolving door between USTR and K Street creates incentives skewed against the public interest. Corporate interests have unparalleled access to USTR while consumers and citizens have been shut out.

TPP will give foreign investors the right to directly sue our government over domestic regulations. In March 2015 Wikileaks released a draft of the investment chapter that includes Investor-State Dispute Settlement. If investors win there is no chance to appeal. Energy companies could sue the government for unlimited damages if states or the federal government pass legislation to protect the environment. Foreign drug companies could sue for taxpayer dollars over policies designed to contain medical care costs; Eli Lilly currently is suing Canadian taxpayers for $500 million after Canada’s Supreme Court upheld Canadian patent policies that contain drug costs. Phillip Morris, International is suing the governments of Uruguay and Australia for plain packaging of cigarettes. Phillip Morris claims that it is not getting the expected benefits of its investments due to the public health regulations designed to reduce the appeal of smoking. With TPP the United States will be vulnerable to lawsuits in which private foreign investors can sue taxpayers for public regulations. 3 lawyers decide the cases in secret and there is no right to appeal their ruling. This process is a direct threat to both democracy and sovereignty. Consumers, environmentalists, and public health advocates have no similar right to sue.

TPP will raise the costs of medical care. US citizens already are reeling over prescription drug prices, which rose 13% in 2014. The hepatitis C drug Sovaldi costs $80,000 a year; very few patients can afford this drug and many governments have protested this price tag. Providing this drug at this price would economically cripple both Medicare and the Veterans’ Administration. The Intellectual Property chapter expands the monopoly rights of PhRMA and if passed, will lead to even higher drug prices. For example, USTR is proposing a 12-year period of data exclusivity for biologic drugs. That will prevent regulatory agencies from registering a generic version for 12 years, delaying cost effective generic competition. Obama’s 2016 budget calls for reducing this period from 12 to 7 years, claiming a savings of over $4 billion in the coming decade. Obama’s own trade negotiators are pushing for the longer period. This clearly undermines Obama’s professed commitment to affordable care.

On June 10th Wikileaks released a TPP Annex on “Transparency and Procedural Fairness for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices”. PhRMA seeks transparency in public health care decision making over drugs and pricing, yet refuses to reciprocate by offering transparency in its costs and pricing policies. Some believe that the Annex is aimed at New Zealand’s Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac) that keeps drug costs low and promotes access to medicines for low-income citizens. Public health advocates see New Zealand’s system as a model for cost containment and access, and PhRMA does not want other countries to emulate it. If the United States negotiated drug prices with firms as aggressively as Canada, the government would save an estimated $229.7 billion, state governments $30.8 billion, and consumers $47.7 billion over a decade. The Annex would allow PhRMA to participate in public health deliberations over the choice and reimbursement rates for covered drugs. PhRMA directly could review and appeal Medicare and Medicaid Services decisions over choice and pricing. It would also allow direct-to-consumer advertising for drugs and medical devices. PhRMA companies could challenge domestic health regulations under Investor State Dispute Settlement if they can claim that those policies hindered investment or reduced their expected return on investment.

Congress has recently granted Obama Fast-Track Authority to conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. The US is eager to spread this problematic new set of standards globally and knows it could never achieve these kinds of skewed provisions in an open, multilateral forum. That is why it is negotiating in secret, with countries already yoked to standards that go far beyond the World Trade Organization Agreements. The true targets are China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, and Thailand, but none of these countries is at the table and each would reject many of the provisions. Congress should act to block TPA so that politicians will not be forced to defend a bad deal that caters to the wishes of the “cleared advisors” at the expense of the public interest.

Monsanto is the largest US manufacturer/distributor of GM food 
and poisonous drugs-sprays. The vast areas of Brasil would be a 
welcome location for their experimental crops.



Mercosul is a sub-regional trading bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.Its associate countries are Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Intra-Mercosur merchandise trade (excluding Venezuela) grew from US$10 billion at the inception of the trade bloc in 1991,[24] to US$88 billion in 2010; Brazil and Argentina each accounted for 43% of this total.[25] The trade balance within the bloc has historically been tilted toward Brazil,[24] which recorded an intra-Mercosur balance of over US$5 billion in 2010.[25] [26] Trade within Mercosur amounted to only 16% of the four countries' total merchandise trade in 2010, however; trade with the European Union (20%), China (14%), and the United States (11%) was of comparable importance.[25] Exports from the bloc are highly diversified, and include a variety of agricultural, industrial, and energy goods.

Merchandise trade with the rest of the world in 2010 resulted in a surplus for Mercosur of nearly US$7 billion; trade in services, however, was in deficit by over US$28 billion.

The EU and China maintained a nearly balanced merchandise trade with Mercosur in 2010, while the United States reaped a surplus of over US$14 billion; Mercosur, in turn, earned significant surpluses (over US$4 billion each in 2010) in its trade with Chile and Venezuela. The latter became a full member in 2012.

BRICS is a trade association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.[4] The grouping was originally known as "BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all developing or newly industrialised countries, but they are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs; all five are G-20 members Since 2010, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. Russia currently holds the chair of the BRICS group, and will host the group's seventh summit in July 2015.



Firmly embedded in Mercosul and Brics I can not imagine any TPP deal to come through for Brazil as both TPP and TTIP fronted by Illuminati/Bilderberg Group are excluding both China and Russia in their plans until they are able to conquer them,should their crazy New World Order become a success.

However,considering Dilma and PT´s dilemma presently,it might be a tempting opportunity to distract the peoples attention and instead enslave them in the new dictatorship of TPP.
