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EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee discusses TTIP and Industrial Policy
Published: 17-03-2015
17 March 2015, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and
parliamentarians from the EEA EFTA States – Liechtenstein, Norway and
Iceland – met in Fredrikstad to discuss developments in the EEA and
other topical issues in the EU of relevance to the EEA EFTA States.
EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA JPC) met with representatives of
the EEA Joint Committee and the EEA Council to receive an update on
recent developments in the EEA. As the EEA JPC’s primary objective is to
follow developments in the EEA and to give its views on topics for
discussion at the earliest stage possible, this biannual meeting is of
great importance.
Another important topic on the EEA JPC’s agenda in Fredrikstad was the ongoing free trade negotiations between the United States and the European Union – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – with a special focus on its possible implications for the EEA. The EEA EFTA States are closely integrated in the EU Single Market through the EEA Agreement and apply the same Single Market rules, so any impact that TTIP has on the Single Market is likely to affect the EEA EFTA States. The EEA JPC is therefore following these negotiations closely.
Also discussed at the meeting was industrial policy in Europe, in particular the impact that recent developments of a more horizontal policy approach taken at EU level could have on the EEA.
In addition to these in-depth discussions on industrial policy and the TTIP, a briefing was given by Catherine Stihler MEP on the status of the Digital Agenda. The Digital Single Market and challenges within digital technology are priority areas in the European Commission’s 2015 Work Programme and also of interest to the EEA JPC.
The next EEA JPC meeting will be held Brussels in autumn 2015.
Til tross for at Norge ikke er medlem av EU,maa vi forholde oss til de fleste av EU´s lover og regler.
EU´s Commissioner for Trade vil avgjoere om det er interresse for aa delta i TTIP´s frihandelsavtale i sin naavaerende form.
Den sittende regjeringen er i regelmessig konferanse med EOS om medlemskap i TTIP,som de ser ut til aa ville inngaa.
"Vinninga gaar opp i spinninga" som det heter,samt at vi blir slaver i eget land.
Another important topic on the EEA JPC’s agenda in Fredrikstad was the ongoing free trade negotiations between the United States and the European Union – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – with a special focus on its possible implications for the EEA. The EEA EFTA States are closely integrated in the EU Single Market through the EEA Agreement and apply the same Single Market rules, so any impact that TTIP has on the Single Market is likely to affect the EEA EFTA States. The EEA JPC is therefore following these negotiations closely.
Also discussed at the meeting was industrial policy in Europe, in particular the impact that recent developments of a more horizontal policy approach taken at EU level could have on the EEA.
In addition to these in-depth discussions on industrial policy and the TTIP, a briefing was given by Catherine Stihler MEP on the status of the Digital Agenda. The Digital Single Market and challenges within digital technology are priority areas in the European Commission’s 2015 Work Programme and also of interest to the EEA JPC.
The next EEA JPC meeting will be held Brussels in autumn 2015.
Til tross for at Norge ikke er medlem av EU,maa vi forholde oss til de fleste av EU´s lover og regler.
EU´s Commissioner for Trade vil avgjoere om det er interresse for aa delta i TTIP´s frihandelsavtale i sin naavaerende form.
Den sittende regjeringen er i regelmessig konferanse med EOS om medlemskap i TTIP,som de ser ut til aa ville inngaa.
"Vinninga gaar opp i spinninga" som det heter,samt at vi blir slaver i eget land.
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