The Otium Post

The Otium Post


US Ambassador Froman and EU Commissioner Malmström discusses TTIP

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Joint Statement on Public Services
Brussels, 20 March 2015

US Ambassador Froman and EU Commissioner Malmström discussed the important role public services play in the United States and the European Union.

They confirmed that U.S. and EU trade agreements do not prevent governments, at any level, from providing or supporting services in areas such as water, education, health, and social services.

Furthermore, no EU or U.S. trade agreement requires governments to privatize any service, or prevents governments from expanding the range of services they supply to the public. 

Moreover, these agreements do not prevent governments from providing public services previously supplied by private service suppliers; contracting a public service to private providers does not mean that it becomes irreversibly part of the commercial sector.

Ambassador Froman and Commissioner Malmström also noted the important complementary role of the private sector in these areas. Private sector activities can improve the availability and diversity of services, to the benefit of people in the United States and the European Union. 

Defining the appropriate balance between public and private services is up to the discretion of each government.

Finally, Ambassador Froman and Commissioner Malmström also confirmed that EU and US trade agreements do not impede governments’ ability to adopt or maintain regulations to ensure the high quality of services and to protect important public interest objectives, such as the protection of health, safety, or the environment.

The United States and the European Union are following this same approach in TTIP and TiSA.


Dette høres jo betryggende ut,men kun hvis det inkluderes i den endelige avtalen! Ellers er det bare villedende snakk mens de hemmelige avtalene underskrives. Husk hva FRP lovet i valgkampanjen.  Hvor mye ble utført?

Det nevnes intet om ARBEIDSLOVEN og streikerett når det er nødvendig.

Vi må også få bort TTIP´s uavhengige,private lovrett ISDS ved evt. twister. Dette må avgjøres mellom landenes eksisterende domstoler med fullt innsyn.

TTIP’s biggest threat to society is its inherent assault on democracy. One of the main aims of TTIP is the introduction of Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), which allow companies to sue governments if those governments’ policies cause a loss of profits. In effect it means unelected transnational corporations can dictate the policies of democratically elected governments.

Her må vi følge med i svingene!



Rettferdighet for Kongeriget Norges Grundlov

Rettferdighet for Kongeriget Norges Grundlov

§ 96.
Ingen kan dømmes uten etter lov eller straffes uten etter dom. Enhver har rett til å bli ansett som uskyldig inntil skyld er bevist etter loven.

Ingen kan dømmes til å avstå fast eiendom eller samlet formue, med mindre verdiene er benyttet til eller er utbytte fra en straffbar handling.

Endret ved grunnlovsvedtak 6 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 9 mai 2014 nr. 613, 13 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 14 mai 2014 nr. 628, vedtak 27 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 20 juni 2014 nr. 778.

§ 97.

Ingen lov må gis tilbakevirkende kraft.

          Endret ved grunnlovsvedtak 6 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 9 mai 2014 nr. 613, vedtak 27 mai 2014                 kunngjort ved res. 20 juni 2014 nr. 778.

§ 98.
Alle er like for loven.
Intet menneske må utsettes for usaklig eller uforholdsmessig forskjellsbehandling.

Endret ved grunnlovsvedtak 6 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 9 mai 2014 nr. 613, opphevet ved 
grunnlovsvedtak 13 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 14 mai 2014 nr. 628, tilføyd igjen ved 
grunnlovsvedtak 13 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 14 mai 2014 nr. 628, endret ved vedtak 
27 mai 2014 kunngjort ved res. 20 juni 2014 nr. 778.

Vedr. kildeskatten som pålegges pensjonistene bosatt i utlandet,sier vår grunnlov:

1. §96 andre setning,at ingen kan dømmes til å avstå fast eiendom eller samlet formue, med  
mindre verdiene er benyttet til eller er utbytte fra en straffbar handling.

2. §97 at ingel lov må gis tilbakevirkende kraft.

3. §98 at intet menneske må utsettes for usaklig eller uforholdsmessig  forskjells-behandling.

For det første sier vår norske grunnlov at kun ett samlet Storting kan vurdere endringer som truer vårt folk.  i.e.  Medlemskap i TTIP frihandelsavtalen. Skulle et samlet storting mot all formodning gå inn for medlemskap,må det ratifiseres ved folkeavstemming. 

Paragraf §96 sier at ingen kan fratas sin eiendom/formue (15% kildeskatt) med mindre verdiene benyttes til eller kommer fra straffbar handling. Kanskje regjeringen betrakter minstepensjonen som en straffbar handling?

Pensjonister som var bosatt i utlandet før loven om kildeskatt ble satt i kraft skal iflg. §97, IKKE betale kildeskatt. Dette dreier seg om forutsigbarhet.

Minstepensjonistene bosatt i utlandet som har pensjon under minsteskattenivået skal iflg. §98 ikke behandles annerledes enn om han var bosatt i Norge,og betaler IKKE kildeskatt.  

Det samme sier avtalen om forskjells-behandling i avtalen med Brasil av 1986 for unngåelse av dobbeltbeskatning. Kan ikke gis mere tyngende tilstand i bostedsstaten enn i originalstaten under samme forhold .  I.e. skal kildeskatt IKKE betales.





Hva er det som foregaar i hvaart land?


Kan ikke få dette til å stemme. Jageland er utnevnt til commissioner of the EU-Commission og Stoltenberg til leder av NATO styrkene. BEGGE har iflg. avhoppet KGB medlem,kontakt med KGB og har sine egne kallenavn i KGB´s registre. The EU-Commission skal ha siste ord i saken om medlemskap i TTIP´s frihandelsavtale.

The newly-appointed Norwegian NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has been working for the KGB, the main Russian spy agency, under the code-name "Steklov", according to former KGB officers Mikhail Butkov and Oleg Gordievsky.

KGB Putin Delighted that NATO Led by KGB Agent Jens Stoltenberg, KGB Codename "Steklov": The Deadly Peril of Norwegian Communists

According to Finnish and Norwegian media, Thorbjorn Jagland, General Secretary General of a Council of Europe (since Oct 1, 2009) and also authority of a revolutionary brainwashing organization, Norwegian Nobel Committee (since 2009), and former Norway’s primary apportion (in 1996-1997), was initial unprotected as a KGB representative nicknamed “Yuri” in a book published in Finland in 1997 by a KGB fugitive.


Sovjetunionen, senere Russland, har benyttet mange mennesker som ledere av norske regjeringer i over 70 år, og alle disse regjeringene har i virkeligheten vært klassiske fronter for Moskva. Utad har vi kjent mennesker som har ledet disse frontene som statsministere.

En av dem er Gro Harlem Brundtland, og i 1992 var hun både leder for Arbeiderpartiet og statsminister. Arbeiderpartiet og arbeiderbevegelsen for øvrig, er Moskvas viktigste redskap til å bevege seg med.

I 1992 skiftet KGB ut Gro Harlem Brundtland som leder for Arbeiderpartiet, men beholdt henne som statsminister fram til høsten 1996. Da hun ble kjørt et nytt narrespill mot og tvunget ut av statsministerstolen til fordel for Thorbjørn Jagland.

Ikke så rart Obama fikk kalde føtter ved Stoltenberg´s besøk til USA nylig.

Hva er det egentlig som foregår???



The pieces of the TTIP world domination are carefully put in place by selected lobbyists.

The pieces of the TTIP world domination are carefully put in place by selected lobbyists.

The outline of the TTIP puzzle is starting to reveal it´s ´Butterfly effect´ originating many years ago.  A few smaller stones at first by different names,testing and learning the reactions of the opposition,then placing well trained lobbyists with legal backgrounds in all important desision making areas in Europe,making sure their message influences those who will eventually make the final desicion to join the TTIP Free-Trade agreement.

Norway´s democratic way of living has been the envy of people around the world without
freedom of speach or human rights in general.  Our labor organisations has regular, peaceful meetings with NHO the Norwegian Trade Organisation.

Through massive protests and boycotts against stores importing goods manufactured by child labor or injust labor conditions,or imports of goods containing harmful substances, we have contributed to the welfare of our own as well as people in other countries.

Unfortunately,we can already see actions by our own government preparing for submission to the many unacceptable  conditions demanded for membership.

I have posted a dozen or more warnings against the TTIP found by ´Googling`the Internet,and hope my fellow countrymen, already installed in their mountain cabins to celebrate with Easter eggs and the latest crime novels,to also find the time to go through my postings regarding TTIP and give them some clear thoughts before returning to your busy working days with little time for in-depth,serious considerations about our future.


Happy Easter - God Paaske - Felize Pascoa

Wishing all my fellow pensioners around the world,a peaceful and enjoyable Easter Holiday!




                KRITIKK: Kritikk av religioner er sentralt i et fritt og åpnet samfunn, sier Per Sandberg


Terrorisme: Religiøst fundamentert vold og forfølgelse øker over hele verden og Norge er ikke skjermet fra denne utviklingen.

Publisert den 27. mar 2015, kl. 07:00 av
Per Sandberg 1. nestleder FRP

Det blir sagt at dersom du vil ha gode mennesker til å gjennomføre grusomme handlinger, er religion det beste virkemiddelet. Det er på tross av menneskets rasjonelle, logiske og empatiske egenskaper at noen velger å forfølge, mishandle og drepe kvinner, menn og barn i religionens navn. Lukkede tankesystemer er en trussel da de legitimerer og hyller nedrig behandling av medmennesker som et middel for og nå et hellig mål.

De siste årene har terror og forfølgelse med religiøse motiver økt i omfang i hele verden. Situasjonen i Syria og Irak blir av Flyktninghjelpen omtalt som den største katastrofen i vår tid. Volden fra ISIL har ført til at om lag mange millioner mennesker har lagt på flukt. Alle som ikke underkaster seg må betale prisen for ekstremistenes nådeløse dogmer. De som ikke makter å rømme blir drept, tatt til fange som slaver, eller i beste fall truet til å konvertere. Men religiøs forfølgelse øker ikke bare i Midtøsten. I afrikanske land ser vi en gjennomgående økning av folk som jages av islamske terrorister og klanledere bl.a. i Somalia, Eritrea og Nigeria.

Her i landet sitter vi relativt trygt og godt, skånet fra barbariets vederstyggeligheter. Historiene som når oss om rituelle voldtekter av yezidiske kvinner, halshoggingen av koptere eller Boko Harams kidnapping og mishandling av jentebarn er så umenneskelige og uvirkelige at det er vanskelig å ta dem inn over seg. For sekulære og fredelige mennesker er det umulig å forstå motivasjonen bak slike handlinger. For ekstremistene er forfølgelse av vantro en plikt. Bestialitetens natur katalyseres av religiøs ideologi.

Om vi kaller det religionskonflikt, verdikonflikt eller sivilisasjonskonflikt er situasjonen den at millioner av mennesker hver dag må kjempe for sin eksistens. Mange kvier seg for å nevne aggressoren ved navn i frykt for å polarisere frontene ytterligere. Men erkjenner vi ikke at religionen og dens ideologi er en vesentlig faktor for radikalisering og terror, så vil vi være ute av stand til å møte kjernen i problemet. Religion er et ytterst farlig våpen når fundamentale stemmer har definisjonsmakten, og spesielt når det ikke er et klart skille mellom det religiøse og teologiske på den ene siden, og det ideologiske og politiske på den andre.

En sammenliknende undersøkelse av anerkjente Berlin Social Science Center, har slått fast at muslimsk fundamentalisme er et utstrakt fenomen i Europa. 2/3 (to tredjedeler) av muslimene spurt i undersøkelsen mener at religiøse lover og regler er viktigere for dem enn nasjonalstatens lover. Denne undersøkelsen slår sprekker i den gamle myten som sier at; «bare de får oppleve vår livsstil og våre frihetsverdier, så vil de selv tilegne dem.» Dette bør fortelle oss at vi må ruste opp i kampen om de unges hjerter og sinn. Frihetsidealene vi har kunnet ta for gitt så lenge vi hadde et homogent samfunn må nå i langt større grad hegnes om. Religiøse-, kulturelle- og verdimessige trusler må tas på større alvor og bekjempes mer organisert og strukturert enn i dag.

Barn og unge må lære at religionskritikk er en av hovedårsakene til at vi har et fritt og demokratisk samfunn. Kunsten å tenke kritisk og evnen til å stille utfordrende spørsmål, spesielt ovenfor dem som hevder å sitte med sannheten, er viktigere enn noen gang tidligere. Det eneste som bør være hellig i et demokratisk samfunn er ytringsfriheten. Alle må få en god forståelse at det i Norge, og alle demokratiske land, er greit å kritisere religion, og det er greit å få sin religion kritisert. Det er et fundamentalt prinsipp å forstå man må ha full ytrings- og informasjonsfrihet for at individet skal kunne søke sin sannhet og utvikles som menneske. Det er svært uheldig dersom vi som samfunn ikke har klart å formidle disse ideene til den oppvoksende befolkningen på en god nok måte.

Hadia Tajik vil gi ungdommen en Koran før islamismen tar dem. Det synes jeg er en merkelig logikk. Å gi barn og unge en bok som millioner av mennesker allerede tolker ekstremt, og håpe at de unge ikke vil tolke den ekstremt, kan umulig være den beste løsningen. Valget mellom ekstrem overtro og moderat overtro er fremdeles et valg mellom to onder. La oss heller lokke de unge med bøker og ideer som utfordrer dem til å stille spørsmål ved selve livet, la de filosofere og utforske meningen med ingenting og alt. Altså det motsatte av hva bøker som Koranen og Bibelen gjør.

Debatten om ekstremisme i Norge har lenge vært en intellektuell eksersis i ikke å tråkke på religiøst fintfølende tær. Det har vi stort sett klart å unngå, men dermed har også hardtslående og nødvendig religionskritikk måtte unngjelde. Vi må ikke glemme vårt primære utgangspunkt, at vi er et sekulært land tuftet på frihet og likhet for alle. Vi må ikke gjemme oss i møte med radikale krefter og tro at våre verdier vil vedvare som i dag helt ubeskyttet. Kampen om verdiene, om de unges hjerter og din og min fremtid er allerede i gang.





NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg turned out to be a KGB agent with code name Steklov

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg turned out to be a KGB agent with code name Steklov

Publication time: 12 October 2014, 00:22 

The newly-appointed Norwegian NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has been working for the KGB, the main Russian spy agency, under the code-name "Steklov", according to former KGB officers Mikhail Butkov and Oleg Gordievsky.

"In the early 1990's, prime minister Jens Stoltenberg had contacts with a KGB officer, who established a file with personal and political information on Stoltenberg and gave him the code-name 'Steklov'," wrote the Norway Post.

Stoltenberg had been the prime minister of Norway in 2000-2001 and 2005-2013. He was appointed NATO’s new chief in March 2014. Since then, evidence of his work for the KGB began to surface in the press.

About fourteen years ago, NRK 1, a Norwegian state-run broadcaster, released a documentary called "KGB's last offensive," about the KGB activity in Norway. The documentary analyzed facts and evidence provided by Mikhail Butkov, a KGB defector, who was sent to Norway undercover, pretending to be a journalist in the late 1980s.

He defected to the West in May 1991. Earlier, Butkov had visited the KGB headquarters in Moscow and gained access to the file on "Steklov". In January 1990, during a meeting with Norwegian secret police officials, Mikhail Butkov revealed that "Steklov" was actually Jens Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg worked then as a member of the Defense Commission being as ardent Bolshevik from the ruling Labor Party. He had secret contacts with Russian spy Boris Kirillov, a diplomat and a press-attaché at the Russian Embassy in Oslo who sent military and security information he got from Stoltenberg to Moscow KGB Center.

Kirillov recruited Norwegian Bolshevik government officials as agents or informants. In summer 1990, Boris Kirillov was declared persona non grata by the Norwegian government.

According to Putin in 2010, there are no former KGB agents, they are all on duty working for Russia.

Meanwhile in Norway, a fighter against Russian neo-Communism, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, reports:

KGB Putin Delighted that NATO Led by KGB Agent Jens Stoltenberg, KGB Codename "Steklov": The Deadly Peril of Norwegian Communists

Few mention the dangers of our current crop of bolsheviks in power throughout the West.

Norwegian communists are destroying Norway. Two of these communist subversives who have served in the highest positions of government are known KGB agents Jens Stoltenberg (codename "Steklov") and Thorbjorn Jagland (codename "Jurij").

Dr. Steven Parris Ward wrote of Stoltenberg in 2012:

"Norway's current prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, was also a former national president of the Worker's Youth League, and has also been identified as a former KGB asset (codenamed 'Steklov.')."

KGB Putin is thrilled that NATO has selected KGB agent Steklov to become the chief of the military alliance:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed NATO's selection of former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg as its new head, saying on Saturday the pair had "very good relations" but that it was up to the West to improve ties. [***] 'We have very good relations, including personal relations. This is a very serious, responsible person,' Putin said, according to a pre-transmission transcript provided to news organizations. 'But let's see how he will develop relations in his new capacity,' he said in the interview, for the Russian news show Vesti on Saturday with Sergei Brilyov."--Reporting by Conor Humphries; Editing by Anthony Barker, Reuters, "Putin welcomes new NATO head, says better ties with West possible".
KGB Putin and the communists Obama and Merkel are playing a game of pretending to arrive at an international agreement to stabilize the Ukraine just as they did shortly before KGB Putin's phoney coup d'etat. KGB Putin will break this agreement, and point out that the former agreement was also broken, though he will fail to mention that it, too, was broken by him.

As always, the communists will blame the West for their communist crimes. As always, the libertarians, White Nationalists and communists will join Putin in pretending that the West is responsible for Putin's crimes.

We need a political party and a viable candidate for the 2016 US Presidential election.

Source: Agencies

Kavkaz Center



Ikke rart Obama avviste Stoltenberg.  Hvordan fikk han egentlig denne jobben?
Var det ingen som undersokte hans bakgrunn?


Pensjonistforbundet ber om krafttak for de som har minst

Pensjonistforbundet ber om krafttak for de som har minst

Av generalsekretær Harald Olimb Norman, 

Minstepensjonen i Norge er nå så lav at den ligger under EUs fattigdomsgrense. Flere enn 50.000 eldre i Norge er fattige. De har så lav inntekt at de ikke har råd til et varmt måltid hver dag. Uverdig, mener vi i Pensjonistforbundet og ber om at regjeringen nå tar et krafttak for aleneboende minstepensjonister.

Minstepensjonen er på 173 204 kroner. EUs fattigdomsgrense for Norge var i 2014 på 216 000 kroner. Samtidig ser vi at avstanden mellom minstepensjonister og lønnsmottakere øker.
For å løfte minstepensjonistene ut av fattigdom, må minstepensjonen økes til 250.000 kroner.

Hvem er minstepensjonisten?

I desember 2014 var det 149.920 personer som hadde minstepensjon som inntekt. Av disse var det 50.000 som var enslige minstepensjonister eller bodde med partner med svært lav inntekt, uten tilleggspensjon. Antallet er synkende, bare fra 2013 til 2014 sank antallet minstepensjonister med 7 700 personer. 87 prosent av minstepensjonistene var kvinner.

Det er mange årsaker til at man ender som minstepensjonist. For kvinner har omsorgsarbeid kombinert med deltid, gjerne i lavtlønnsyrker, vært en viktig årsak. Tidligere fantes ikke barnehager eller SFO. Og frem til 1986 var det ikke lov for bondekvinnen å få lønn fra gården, selv om hun nedla like mange arbeidstimer på gården som gårdbrukeren. Hun ble dermed fratatt muligheten til å tjene opp tilleggspensjon. Kvinner som har jobbet deltid, hatt omsorgsarbeid hjemme eller arbeidet på familiens gård, ender som minstepensjonister. Dette er spesielt vanskelig ved samlivsbrudd.

Møt minstepensjonisten «Anne»

«Anne» (76) er et eksempel på en kvinne som har jobbet hele livet, men som er aleneboende minstepensjonist. Hun og mannen bygde hus på hans familiegård. Mannen drev i anleggsbransjen og jobbet på anlegg langt fra hjemmet. Dermed ble «Anne» mye alene med omsorgen for barna. Og uten mulighet for barnehageplass, kunne «Anne» bare jobbe deltid. Det var tøft de første årene, med tre barn og lån på hus.

Så, i det barna har forlatt redet, kommer mannen hjem og forteller at han har truffet en yngre kvinne. «Anne» må flytte. Hun og mannen deler verdien av huset, og «Anne» bruker pengene til å kjøpe seg en leilighet. «Anne» skaffer se tilleggsutdannelse, og rekker bare noen få år i full stilling, før helsa gjør at hun må slutte å jobbe. «Anne» ble minstepensjonist.
Det finnes tusenvis av kvinner som «Anne» i Norge. Spørsmålet er om vi synes det er greit at «Anne», når hun ble pensjonist, ikke skal ha råd til middag, ferie eller besøk hos tannlegen?

Reelt fattige

Krafttaket for de som har minst, som Pensjonistforbundet nå lanserer, er rettet mot de som er reelt fattige, altså enslige minstepensjonister. Det kan være naturlig å se på satsene til øvrige minstepensjonister i kjølvannet av en slik endring. Minstepensjonister som er gift med en person med tilleggspensjon, skal ikke omfattes av dette krafttaket. Ikke fordi Pensjonistforbundet ikke unner også disse minstepensjonistene en høyere pensjon, men nå handler det om å gi et krafttak til de som har aller minst.

En myte om minstepensjonister er at det er personer som har vært hjemmeværende eller jobbet svart. Det finnes nok noen slike også. Universelle ordninger klarer ikke å fjerne de som ikke vil bidra, men de aller fleste som vil nyte godt av det løftet i minstepensjon som Pensjonistforbundet nå foreslår, har jobbet og bidratt hele sitt liv. Det er uverdig at vi har over 50.000 eldre som lever i fattigdom, når velstanden og inntektsutviklingen i resten av samfunnet har økt.

Å være fattig

Minstepensjonistene i Norge har vedvarende lav inntekt, det vil si de har en inntekt som ligger under 60 prosent av medianinntekten i mer enn tre år, EUs fattigdomsgrense.
I 2008 ble det gjort et stort løft for minstepensjonistene, slik at de kom opp på 2 G. Men siden den gang har gapet mellom lønnsinntekt og minstepensjon økt, år for år. Det er noen årsaker til dette. Minstepensjonistene befinner seg ikke i skatteposisjon, og får dermed ikke nyte godt av lettelser i personskatten. Økning i lises, eiendomsskatt og kommunale avgifter øker for denne gruppen forholdsvis mer enn for andre lønnsmottakere, noe som gjør situasjonen ytterligere vanskelig for pensjonistene.

Minstepensjonisten har ikke en inntektsutvikling i tråd med lønnsvekst. Pensjon under opptjening reguleres i takt med lønnsvekst, mens pensjon under utbetaling først justeres etter lønnsvekst, deretter fratrukket en fast faktor på 0,75. For minstepensjonister er denne reguleringen noe gunstigere enn for andre alderspensjonister. Men avstanden mellom kjøpekraften til minstepensjonistene og kjøpekraften til befolkningen for øvrig øker i takt med et rikere samfunn.
Å være fattig er helseskadelig. Du får både dårligere helse, isolerer deg og et lavere selvbilde. Pensjonistforbundet vil ikke at våre eldre skal ha det slik i alderdommen?


Det var Pensjonistforbundet som gikk i bresjen for å løfte minstepensjonistene i 2008, med full virkning fra 2010. Ett av målene med pensjonsreformen er å gi befolkningen insentiver til å stå lengre i full jobb. Dersom flere står i jobb og tjener opp pensjon, blir det færre minstepensjonister. Ett av målene med pensjonsreformen er å løfte folk ut av minstepensjonen. Det er en positiv konsekvens av reformen.

På sikt kan vi derfor anta at det blir langt færre minstepensjonister. Dagens minstepensjonister nyter imidlertid ikke god av disse endringene. Antall minstepensjonister vil anslagsvis bli redusert med 38 prosent fra 2014 til 2024. Kostnadene ved å øke minstepensjonen til 250.000 kroner, vil derfor reduseres over tid. Men for «Anne» og de tusenvis av andre minstepensjonistene, kan det bety at de kan spise et varmt måltid hver dag. Derfor er et krafttak for de som har minst helt nødvendig.



ENDELIG får vi litt drahjelp fra Pensjonistforeningen som hittil ikke har vist synderlig interesse for oss minstepensjonister,spesielt de som er bosatt i utlandet og i tillegg har vært belastet med 15% kildeskatt.

Personlig får jeg kr. 114.000.- p.a. tilsammen for meg og min kone etter trekk av kildeskatt. Jeg mottar AVKORTET pensjon fordi "jeg ble født for tidlig" i 1933. Da minstepensjonen ble beregnet til et minimumsbeloep det skulle vaere mulig aa holde seg i live paa,skjoenner jeg ikke grunnen til fradrag fordi man er foedt foer pensjonsjonssystemet ble innfoert i 1967. Det betyr i realiteten for oss kr. 155.- per person, (BRL 50.-) i Sao Paulo,med vel så høye leveomkostninger som i Norge.

Pensjonistforeningen ser ikke ut til å like gifte minstepensjonister og mener de ikke har livets rett og må bare klare seg så godt de kan. Jeg, mener gifte minstepensjonister som har en ektefelle under pensjonsalderen trenger mere omtanke da de på sine eldre dager også har ansvaret for sin ektefelle, som ofte kan være et tungt løft ved sykdom eller uføre uten medlemskap av Folketrygden,som betaler høye priser for privat helseforsikring.

Jeg og mange andre utenlandspensjonister har sloss mot denne uhyrligheten siden 2009 uten hjelp eller gehør fra NOEN.





February 11, 2013 at 7:11pm
Ingunn Røiseland, with good use of Kjell Erik Midtgård

A new perspective on Economics: Sakli vs One People's Public Trust

Nothing is as it seems to be everywhere you turn your gaze. What we today call "economy" is in reality a bad powered casinos. Welcome to the rabbit hole where truth outstrips imagination.

This is a story that is beyond anything it is possible to imagine, and which, if true, has the power to liberate us from corruption, poverty, humiliation and confinement. It is based on the story of Adnan Sakli and are intended to form a backdrop to evaluate the many other initiatives that we've seen in the past, in particular, I think of One People's Public Trust:

Even in our country, which many think of as one of the best in the world, we live with the financial parameters that most people know the consequence of: 85% true tax pressure and minimum return in the form of public goods. In the following, I take aim at showing how it went for us in reality using our lives to working for the State, which is the private banking Department agents.

This article will largely be about how financial institutions, transactions and ownership are completely different organized than at least i thought so far, and how the circumstances surrounding the "Trust" and "Positions of Prime" can record on a radical view.

Until a short while ago, I thought that I had a certain overview of most financial institutions/ ownership relationships, I thought the Federal Reserve largely order was rewarding and I thought that much was all about fractional reserve banking, fiatpengesystemet and private ownership. It also, however, new insights have turned major cracks in this paradigm, and has shown that the degree of secrecy and deception is much more comprehensive, generalized and systematized than I ever have on my part No. I just spoke with a girl who had taken a master's degree in "Trust Law", and she said the same thing. She said, "no one would have believed me if I said that all significant transactions taking place in Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Cayman Islands and Switzerland, and has money laundering transactions as the primary purpose".

So, what happened that changed everything?

In 1987 the World Bank went bankrupt, and all of the global central banking systems experienced a crack. One person in the world had real capital enough to take ownership by the Bank of International Settlements, under what's called Statutory Act. BIS is the Bank that lends to the central banks.
Under what is called The reserve solvency regulations "were all government bonds, commercial loans, ownership of all central banks into the same account in the BIS. The man who was the owner of BIS, and also by all other accounts, named Adnan Sakli and he explains it this way:

« So by their arrogance and with the position of the reserve laws, I became the owner of everything by the fact that I was a free person with no obligations and maximum liquidity. Then it just snow balled over and over, and the law and my lack of criminality and their greed made me even stronger to a point where they could not do anything against me.»

He also says, in other words, when the Rothschild m / multi withdrew liquidity / money supply out of the market and the business collapsed, this transmitted up through the food chain, so that banks also went bowled-over. In these banks sent stress signals that they had not strength to cope with this, they drove for creditor bill and they will then creditor property. Bankruptcy fire engulfed central banks and major financial companies on Wall Street and London City, right up to the BIS (Bank of International Settlement). In this inferno, it was only a bank that had solidity enough to take over the BIS and it was Sakli its bank.

This means that Adnan Sakli own Norwegian government debt, -Norwegian MTNs and sovereign bonds- and can cancel it if certain requirements can be met. He also owns Rothschilds accounts, Vatican accounts etc. He also says that «That is how I became the Underwriter of the world, Master trader, The sovereign, the Prime, etc,- plus the Vatican does not have anything legal because I am the Prime and the Vatican has to get its authority from the prime and to date it has not.» Adnan Sakli & The Global Debt Holder, Seegolam Naipaul

If this is true then there is also the implication that the Norwegian Government and Norwegian banks drifter illegitimately.

Clean-up in your mind the first step:

The first step towards understanding these implications would need to be a willingness to ask basic questions, and to be established thought patterns after the seams. It is important to understand that the media's mission is the dissemination of information, but rather to support and maintain the common notion of how things hang together. You can not assume that the content of this article coincides with what you can read about in normal media, but you can even search all references and claims online. You have the responsibility to evaluate the information.

I would like to mention just one example of how the media's main job is to keep the illusion and old programming in place: one of Norway's foremost research and economic priorities right now, carbon capture and storage:

If you go to delve into this topic then you will hopefully be able to quickly see that the idea of man-made warming is mytemakeri and not reality; This is a matter of "global governance" way beyond "global climate".

If you read about "anthropogenic global warming" fraud "or" climategate ", then you will quickly see that all elementary pieces of understanding be omitted by the media. None the less continues the discourse in the media and among politicians as if nothing; We "hang" in an outdated paradigm and pretend as if the lie is the truth as long as it goes, and as long as it can still be appropriated billions of billions of junk, air, nothing. It will of course mean that the emperor as Stoltenberg 's, has long been very naked, and that it would save the State budget for the huge expenses if we could see it.
In the following I will try to sum up how the economic landscape now looks like from my point of view. However, I'm open to all suggestions and always ready to correct what is wrong.

Some basic legal questions we need to ask ourselves:

Laws and the legal system works within a society, constitute a sort of "wrap" that keeps the community together, within certain limits, and not so many question how legislation gets its authority from

For example, many of us have taken for granted that the Constitution amounts to the first position, and that it is not possible to invoke any higher law than the Constitution. What should we,-basic questions about legitimacy and jurisdiction provides the key to understanding how the world works and how you can be free, if it is that you want.

Some questions we can ask ourselves is what is the first position, there is no type-jurisdiction or trade-off that override other underlying legislation? Is it true that the world is ruled as a "Trust" – who are so, "Trustee" and who is it that "the Entruster"?

If it should turn out to vote that all governments really are corporations, which I think, who are then we in this picture? Does it have any other owners korporasjonen Norway than what we are accustomed to believe? If so, purely hypothetically, would prove that the Vatican owns korporasjonen Norway, wouldn't it have been great if it turns out that someone else with better intentions owns the Vatican, who claims that he makes Sakli?

Vatican claims itself to be "entrusted" by God, not just spiritual and symbolic, but real and political, and the Vatican's financial dealings as well as many pavebuller reflects this ambition:

These are topics that everyone should dig in on their own. The rule of thumb is that most of the basic important information is hidden, and deliberately made inaccessible. Two simple examples of many: what is the company? Who owns the IMF?

So some financial issues:

What exactly happens with the global economy? Where is all that money? If we have used them up so someone must have earned them. what causes that not government debt can be matched against other countries ' debts and thus are offset?  Why is there a large scale robbery of resources such as water, electricity and other commodities, and why people for their past tynes kroner in the form of bailouts of banks, inflaterte market that allows the House and home also be attributed to the banks, tax increases at levels that no one should have to put up with while overførslene to warfare and "humanitarian purpose" is not subject to critical review. What is the real relationship between law and Economics? Is there anything BI and NHH forgot to tell?

The starting point for understanding the economy today:

After the stock market crash of 1929 eventually went the Western States bankrupt and was forced to start with borrowing from international sentralbankiere in order to finance the tasks the State had taken on. The population was posed as security for loans, and our future tax-bearing ability became the basis for valuation.  If you are Googling "yield" or "Norwegian sovereign bonds"

( then you will be able to quickly determine that it is the people's freshwater towers, which are the product, so when Norway buying up Greek or Spanish Government bonds these days, so they simply buy slaves on the cheap sale for our money

The establishment of institutions such as social security numbers and Statistics Norway was necessary tools and it was also necessary to organize all Nations that corporations, so that it now no longer are Western Nations, only corporations. All international transactions are governed by the Uniform Commercial Code or a comparable, harmonised legal framework, and that is also why we are confident that the State has created a straw man's identity for us, even if all State agencies will deny that. the UCC is the only legislation that asks that names be uppercase, as on driver license:

Here is an example of obskurantismen around this theme; often an indicator that something is at stake:

Here's a video that explains this in simple rundown: v = jm9my4ujKrc

Here, as always, it is important that you do your own research.

If you are Googling AS Norway, up reasonable answer, then this is information being kept hidden. If you call a Ministry in hopes of getting answers, I think this is a bit futile, to say the least. The answer I got from the Law Department of the Ministry of Justice was that "a State is a State, it may not be registered as a corporate body" (I have to then understand). My experience is that it's of no use to call a political scientist at Blindern,-but here is a database that lists some of the Nations that are registered as corporations:

It is clear that in legal terms this grip provides "Nations" from scratch, as the nation/korporasjonen only relate to you by SSN, i.e. the legal straw man that has been created for you, and not to you as a living man; natural person. In Norway, there may be reason to look more closely at your tasks & mandate of a company such as:

The premise for the system to work as it does is solely that you agree to lend your straw man's identity to the korporasjonen (the nation) where pro forma is considered "employed". This straw man's system that makes it possible to issue Government bonds is the reason we have gone away from the credit economy that must have the backing of real assets.

When the World Bank, and thus the world community again went bankrupt in 1987, pass a value of transfers which so far has caused pain, but who has the ability to liberate us from the financial yoke and the threat of bankruptcy threatening the world. Sakli was seated as the formal owner of all of what we call "The global collateral", and has so far withstood oligarkiets attempt to collect all values in a few hands through to prevent redemption of bonds. Sakli says that it is the lack of access to funds for the oligarchy is the cause of desperation in the system that has allowed people to be squeezed to the last drop. Sakli tells that he at one point became so tired of the boundless corruption and lack of consideration in the top circles of the system that he began to block transactions. The first time I heard about Sakli because I read an article about a businessman who had been kidnapped and taken to the notary will in Rimini to obsessive-compulsive sign a payout of hundreds of billions:

Who gets to borrow the interest that is paid from taxes each year?

Until 1972 the Central operated the lending institutions continued with some backing in gold, but after petrodollaren came into the picture, the whole system is built up around "air", FIAT-money system, where values are not secured in any real beyond my & your safety.

Sakli tells including this: "Fiat money was created in WW1 to steal the Ottoman's assets. The German gold backed bonds were the first fiat money and the Germans never had any gold to support the bonds they issued to fight WW1 against the Ottomans.

"And the Safra family's were the ones who were in charge of the Ottoman Central bank that was in Lebanon, That was the reason why Israel invaded Lebanon in 1974 to steal the gold that was there."

We are the real resources.

An important premise is to understand that the whole economic system is based on the fact that you have taken out loans, guarantees, and that the State has taken out loans which you also guarantee via your skatteytende ability. It is the reason why one of the strictest punishment is in our society is tax evasion or false information on the tax return. We see that these are inflammable and highly topical theme, here we see the Government's latest initiative to push us in a biometric database, with appropriate legal implications:

Government bonds make up the mainstay of the international economy, and it is interesting to ask oneself who profit from it and why. Interest rates on Government borrowing poses enormous annual sums that are paid from taxes, for Germany-interest on government debt amounted to 69 billion euros in 2008. Here are some figures from the U.s. Treasury:

We know that virtually all the lending banks are privately owned, and what we really are witnessing, therefore, are the biggest safety transfers from taxpayers to an oligarchy that is already sitting on most of the Earth's resources. States ' debt often pointed to as the reason for the economic collapse that has already taken place and most likely will continue: html

Often directed against excessive consumption, targets private households and the irresponsible, but most often the exact opposite is the case. In Spain and Ireland had the debt been to return entirely to the Governments "may" baile out banks. In Ireland government debt increased from 11-23% between 2007-2012 and in Spain from 40-80% of GDP.

It is almost impossible to understand why countries with so much equity such as Norway fails to pay back its government debt. Here's what Norges Bank says about this: stability/government debt/why-did-it-Norwegian-State debt/

Norway paid 22, 6 billion in interest payments on government debt in 2011. Most likely to say this someone about how Governments have let themselves bind and commit to private bankiers, in the form of either to go along with legislation that makes it impossible for a State to "borrow" by itself, or in the form of direct pressure and threats. It therefore seems obvious that interest rates on government loans constitute a source of income that someone does not want to miss (above oligarchy) and the grave truth is that the State agrees that the relevant question is "why"?

If it turns out that the first position is Sakli, so does that mean that Norges Bank, the Norwegian Government, all the world's banks and institutions are acting illegally, but it also means that it is easier to see the reason behind the seemingly desperate economic policy.

Sakli relates that desperation in the system and the lack of access to funds, has allowed Governments and corporations have had to retrieve their funds from innovations; bailouts, "bubbles" (housing bubble etc), increased taxes, increased alcohol to "humanitarian interventions" etc.

That's partly why Sakli has filed a lawsuit against many countries ' Governments to cooperate in Liborskandalen (Governments/banker conspire against ordinary people through interest rate manipulation in order to "crack" a market, and then either buy the cheap sale afterwards, or confiscate):

Sakli explains that the main problem is that it has been established a during operation where Governments and banking institutions together conspire to override his authority as "Prime", and herein lies also the possibilities for us if this is true.

So can it be true? says Sakli, are there indications or evidence that supports what he says?

The premise for that to be hold in Saklis history, is that there must be a starting point for the law, all contractors derive their authority from, a so-called "First position of the Law", within the framework of "man made" laws. Sakli says his role is to represent "the first position of the law", and as such so is he "global underwriter". This was not the terms I knew before I got to know Sakli but a lot seem to suggest that the United Nations has actually appointed their own "underwriter", Ray C. Dam through a body called The Office of International Control, OITC Treasure, which claims to be the "Chartered under the UN charter control". It is important to be aware that Sakli operates within a universe of man made law, which essentially emanates from the Vatican. Interestingly enough, a constitutional amendment was made in section 2 the 21 May 2012, which our law universe was changed from being a Lutheran-Evangelical Christian-humanist to Catholic.

That means that if it is true that the UNITED NATIONS recognizes the need for a global signature, then it is about credibility Saklis set against the United Nations.

Wikipedia claims that the OITC is a seemingly elaborate fraudulent organization which claims to be associated with the United Nations and the The Federal Reserve , the central bank of the United States . ", but it turns out that the United Nations most likely to have been host for OITC on its Web site, even if it is deleted now: = JO93tyy1Bz0

This is more than interesting in light of the fact that that the entire tells Sakli underlying the structure of the Federal Reserve, The Committee of 300, the Vatican, King families etc, which we know are operating under the same agenda, has long sought to take control of what is called "the global collateral" in order to circumvent the Saklis signature. Many are asking today, their trust in The One Peoples ' Public Trust, which claims to have closed-"foreclosed"-all financial institutions; all of the old structure within the framework of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Even I don't know, but I follow the development with excitement
The fact that the United Nations will most likely have created their own global signaturholder should be seen in the light of this, and is understood as a strategy to be able to get in a position to manage the global collateral. "If you are not familiar with the background of United Nations creation, I recommend you to get a little background info on this:

We also know that many of the leaders of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, Kofi Annan etc have been involved in heavy corruption cases. In the past, the one replaced the other, unveiling actors like Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, The White Dragon Society, Neil Keenan etc, and they have assumed the document like this:

The common denominator is that they support any United Nations agenda and Ray C Dams candidacy as global "underwriter". So then we have Sakli on one side and Ray c. Dam, UN, Keenan, Fulford etc on the other. One People's Public Trust is supported by the same actors.
Adnan Sakli emerges as the "good guy," "white hat" and have made numerous attempts at dialogue with many countries ' Governments to cancel government debt against that power be returned to the people, and agreements with institutions such as the IMF are broken, UN etc, which most people think of as the representatives of the world community and world peace, but which really stands for a cynicism that far exceeds what most can imagine. For more information on what our agreements with organizations such as the IMF, the WHO etc actually means for the transfer of sovereignty and the money, see this page: 

arguing that e.g. the IMF is owned by the u.s. Treasury, which in turn is owned by the Vatican.
It's more than interesting to ask oneself whether there is any link between the Vatican and Norwegian power structures, and whether our Government is required to "buy" up to 40% of the IMF, or if the acquisition isn't really something a yet another transfer to an elite that nourish themselves of our ignorance and indifference.
If it turns out that the Vatican owns Sakli, it clearly looks different. There's a lot of information out there on the Web that opposes the as I refer to here, so the premise is all the time that you have to trust yourself and do your own research. You can definitely not rely on newspapers, it should be fairly clear in due course.

Sakli tells himself that the world is ruled this way:

«The governments are under the control of the Royal structures like the Rome commission. The Royals control the mafia as their street operational people. Most of the organized crime is via the EU commission, House of lords, League of nations, and via the Unilateral agreement of the Global joint agreement with the triad, yakuza, various groups of mafia flags, The Black mafia, the Jewish mafia, the Italian mafia , the Albanian mafia, the Russian mafia, -all one way or another connected to the Royal families and their intelligence networks. The masons are a leadership of both the governmental and the street level operation. It all links to the drug trade and the arms deals.»

If this sounds unlikely, I would recommend Herman Berges articles on about the backdrop of the financial institutions belonging in Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands, Switzerland etc and who has money laundering from weapons and drug sales that sole purpose. Herman Berge sits on a unique and pioneering expertise, and has time and again been attempted gagged brutallyWhat we therefore are witnessing today is the systematic crime implemented by international financial institutions, politicians and royal families. Which actors who actually participate in this is a bit unclear, but attendance at Bilderberg Meetings is not a good indicator.

This has now say about Sakli Leo Wanta Fund

The 1.5 trillion is a short term fix that will be eaten up as soon as it is the Chair. The agreements they are speaking of have long been settled and the IRS is involved in the theft with Bush and others in the governmental structures. Especially Peter Bross, the former head of the IRS. The Wanta situation was made up By Papa Bush and the CIA to steal what they can from the drugs they sold. This is another way to steal their way out of trouble in the short term.CIA fairy tales. "

So what is Sakli´s intentions and why does it matter to us:

You can choose whether you want to believe the information about Sakli or not, but if it does, it offers an explanation for otherwise uforklare phenomenon, such as why the economic desperation is so great, and why people tynes for everything they own and have. We've got all of the information submitted to confirm Saklis identity, but to be able to verify it so we need to have direct access to the Federal Reserve monitors. What we now have are transcripts from the Federal Reserve showing that Sakli stands as owner of all Norwegian banks, among other things, as well as the Norwegian state debt. In the process of verifying the documents, we were able to ascertain that the banking system is also militarily organized, where one can collect information only on a need-to-know basis. To get in on the screens of the Federal Reserve, has proven to be as difficult as to blast their way into Fort Knox; Can any Norwegian bank do it? We are happy to take your suggestions. Saklis Federal Reserve ID's as noted today.

Sakli offers debt freedom if our Government can come out in the open dialogue about these things; all of the country's external debt aged receivables 1.1.2013 and the Western world is therefore de facto bankrupt, but stays afloat for as long as people – you & me-still have something to bring to the table that the State can collect. However, it is of course important to note that the money gets to the notarieforretning, and by entering into debt, and really only is air/paper/numbers on a screen. Borrowing is the premise of the show is called "the ironic growth."

Many of us have thought that Norway is in a special place, and allow themselves to salvage even if the rest of Europe in flames, but it's not so much more than an illusion that cracks the day Pension Fund goes down the drain, along with the rest of the European economy. Our task is to build up a realistic view of who we are, what our legal and actual status is in "welfare State", as well as try to understand how it could have that so much money is disappearing from the country, and to many of the organizations (in practice private operators if you follow the thread a piece backward) which in effect has taken over our country, EUROPEAN UNION, IMF, THE WHO; NATO etc. If this is OK for us, and we are happy that it is, then this is not something to think about. In the opposite case as the time has come to ask basic questions, quite simply.

And so you must by all means keep in mind to take it all in this article with a large pinch of salt, and keep in mind that it is written by one of those – PSTs definition poses a threat to the national security (at least in 2011, I don't know what it was like last year).

For the record, I would therefore take this opportunity to state that I support all peace initiatives, and the return of sovereignty and dignity to all the world's people, by peaceful means, and I am opposed to all violence and all acts of war. That's why I've been withdrawing my citizenship, among other things. So according to all conventional logic so it's well as the Norwegian State should fix its attention against, if peace on Earth had been a primary concern.

1. The legacy & Demise of Adnan Sakli:

2. Mr. Adnan Sakli´s last words (2014)



Sitter fremdeles med åpen munn etter å ha lest om disse avsløringene som i hvert fall for meg var helt ukjennt.

Her er det my å lese og tenke på før man gjør seg opp sin egen mening.


Complete List of BANKS Owned/Controlled by the Rothschild Family

Complete List of BANKS Owned/Controlled     by the Rothschild Family


Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe



Kan det virkelig være mulig? Or the ravings of a lunatic?

Dette er bare én av de hemmelige eiere som står bak TTIP frihandelsavtalen.
