The Otium Post

The Otium Post




All indicators point toward third world status for Americans - JANUARY 26, 2016

The Debt Bomb Ready to Explode

If it wasn’t ludicrous, it would be a comedy skit. Liberals blame Bush for the 
staggering US deficit and Republicans retort by insisting Obama jacked it up. 

It should be noted Clinton did not end his administration with a surplus. Figures compiled by the Treasury bear this out. In fact, far from a $360 billion reduction in the national debt in FY1998-FY2000, there was an increase of $281 billion.  The Clinton surplus was smoke and mirrors. Under Obama the national debt has risen from $10,626,877,048,913.08 on January 20th, 2009 to $18,795,033,928,275.59 on December 21st, 2015.

Both sides of the corporatist one party system love smoke and mirrors. Both are responsible for the deficit and “national” debt. The United States government’s off-budget liabilities is over $200 trillion, but you’re not supposed to know this.

We can never pay this off. It will contribute to the downfall of America.
The debt burden, the devaluation of the dollar, the collapse of housing market, equity markets, private debt, consumer spending and a falling over-valued stock market all spell doom for America—not that Obama and the corporate media are telling you as much.

Donald Trump did.
“Right now, frankly, the country isn’t doing well,” Trump said on January 17, “Recession may be a nice word.”  More like a depression.

And the wealthy are preparing to exit and leave the rest of us to deal with the fallout, as Alex Jones warned last June.




DNB's executive vice president proposes the REMOVAL of all cash in Norway as a form of payment, which is also in line with the Illuminati / Bilderberg's plans for The New World Order.

With a chip in the forehead you are under total control of the 'globale elite' who owns the most important banks in the world. They will also have total control over all your financial actions and can electronically deny you access to any service available. You will also have lost your freedom of movement, as they will be able to follow your tracks, even via GPS in their New World Order.

This 'globale elite' (Illuminati / Bilderberg) is both illegal and criminal and have managed to destroy the world economy through mismanagement and sale of unsecured loans, and have since 2007 repeatedly been on the brink of bankruptcy. 

If all bank customers today attempted to withdraw all their cash, there would only be coverage for a tenth of the deposited cash, and this is what scares the ´global elite´. For THIS reason, they are now frantically working towards the total abolishing of cash.  If they succeed,they will be able to give us all an I.O.U ,relieving them from admitting they have stolen ALL our money.

If  YOU  issue checks without coverage, your account will be blocked. That does not happen with our ´global elite´, who just goes on increasing their debt while retaining the proceeds for themselves.

It would be a better idea to put our money in insurance companies which have strong investment restrictions from the government to protect the public which in the worst case can  be taken over by the government should they totally default their reponsibilities.


DNB´s konserndirektoer forslaar FJERNING av kontanter i Norge som betalingsmiddel,helt paa linje med Illuminati/Bilderberg´s planer for The New World Order.

Med kun en chip i panna er du totalt under kontroll av den ´globale eliten´ som eier de viktigste bankene i verden. De har da ogsaa total kontroll over alle dine finansielle bevegelser og kan elektronisk nekte deg adgang til enhver tjeneste som er tilgjengelig. Du har da ogsaa mistet din bevegelsesfrihet,da de kan foelge dine spor,ja til-og-med via gps i deres New World Order.

Denne ´globale eliten´ (Illuminati/Bilderberg) har med ulovlige og straffbare handlinger klart aa oedelegge verdensoekonomien ved salg av usikrede laan og har siden 2007 flere ganger vaert paa fallittens rand. Hvis ALLE bankenes kunder forsoekte aa ta ut alle deres kontanter,ville det ikke vaere dekning for en tiendedel og det er DETTE de er livredde for. DERFOR,arbeider de naa panisk for aa slette bruk av kontanter. Saa kan de heller gi oss alle en I.O.U saa de slipper aa fortelle oss at de har BRUKT OPP vaare kontanter.

Skriver du ut flere sjekker enn du har dekning for,blir din konto blokkert. DET skjer IKKE med vaar globale elite,som bare fortsetter aa oeke gjelden mens de beholder inntektene for seg selv.

Mener vi skulle heller plassere vaare kontanter i forsikringsselskaper som er paalagt sterke investeringsbegrensninger av staten for aa beskytte publikum og vil i vaerste fall bli overtatt av staten skulle de gaa konkurs.


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