The Otium Post

The Otium Post


The facts of the Bilderberg Group behind the TTIP-TTP free-trade agreements


One of the most powerful front groups of the llluminati, which also works as a secret society in itself, is the Bilderberg Group. This is a group which was created in the beginning of the 50's by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (former SS-officer) and the Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the European movement.

These two persons decided meetings on a regular basis for the European foreign-ministers. Their first meeting occurred in Hotel Bilderberg in the Dutch Oosterbreck between the 29-31 of May 1954, thus the name of the group. 

The core of the group consists of an Elite of people, counted to 39, called the Steering Committee. They are not elected and was originally led by Prince Bernhard, a close friend to the British Crown. Since 1954, meetings have been arranged at least once a year on different locations every time - very secret. The members are around 120 persons from the high finance circles of Western Europe, the US and Canada. 

Although the meetings are very hidden and nothing, or very little leaks to the international media (which is natural, as most of the Media Moguls are Bilderbergers; so much for free press), the independent news-magazine "Spotlight" has been able to report from the meetings. The reporters have successfully been able to hide listening devices in certain areas, so some of the information around the meetings can be exposed to the public. Invited are also political leaders from different countries. Their flight-tickets are paid by the Committee, and there is free food and drinks etc. The purpose of the group is a World Government by the year 2012 and a global army through the UN. The take-over is partly planned to involve computers. Bill Gates, connected with the llluminati and the Director of Microsoft, has a satanic lodge inside the huge Microsoft Headquarter building. 

The Bilderberg Group is also called the "invisible world government". Because of the character of the meetings it is clearly bribery on the behalf of the politicians who are taking part. Here they are suggested to betray their own countries by selling out their sovereign states to the EU by deceiving their own people ... This is what many of our elected politicians secretly are doing behind our backs - it is High Treason. 

THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION The Trilateral Commission, officially founded in June 1973'^' by David Rockefeller (llluminati) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (llluminati), was created because the already established organizations, like the UN, were too slow in establishing a World Government. This commission consists of the industrial and commercial giants of the "trilateral nations"; USA, Japan and Western Europe. The members all are of the Elite, coming from different branches of Freemasonry world-wide to give the Bilderbergers a broader political basis. The 200 members are permanent and in this case different from the Bilderbergers, who are invited, except for the Steering Committee. The Trilateral Commission controls through the CFR members (see below) the whole U.S. economy, politics, military, oil, energy and media lobbies. The members are chairmen of different companies, bankers, real estate agents, economists, scientists, lawyers, publishers, politicians, union leaders, presidents of Foundations and newspaper columnists. 

THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) This semi-secret organization was established in 1971 and the members of this secret society are exclusively Americans and Canadians. Today the CFR'"*' holds a tight control over the countries of the Western World, with help from sister-organizations and its mother-organization in Britain, the "Royal Institute of International Affairs" (RIIA), with Queen Elisabeth II at the top. The CFR is in its turn controlled by the Rockefellers and also works for a Global Government. The inner core is the dark Order of Skull & Bones, where George Bush Sr and George W Bush Jr. are members. Pres. Bush Sr. & Bush Jr. have photographs inside the Bhemian Groove, California. A Place For Satanic Whorships & Rituals. Pres. Eisenhower was also photographed inside the Bohemian Groove.

How does the Federal Reserve tie into the Great Plan and the One World Government? We will get into that, and you will see the connection as clear as day. Again, the Federal Reserve is NOT a part of the federal government—it is a privately-owned, for-profit international banking corporation that supplies our government, country and citizens with the money that we use in our economy. The "Fed" is a CARTEL of privately-owned member banks-- mostly owned by Europeans in fact---who deal in secret over the control of our economy, and by default our government and our lives. See how that works?

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is  controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation therefore  and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. 'We have come to be one of the worst ruled one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free  opinion no longer a government by conviction and the  vote of the majority but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."  

-Woodrow Wilson. 28th US. President. and the one who signed the Federal Reserve Act in 19.13 that authorized the creation of the privately-owned Federal Reserve 


An affiliate very active occult group called The Satanic Temple have just been allowed by the government to erect a statue of  Baphomet in Detroit,all with Bilderberg approval. Just goes to prove how sick the US nation have become under the total influence of the Bilderberg oligarcs seeking to create The New World Order via various ´ trade agreements´ TTIP-TPP etc.



Need I say more ???


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