The Otium Post

The Otium Post


The bottom line of the TTIP free trade agreement

The bottom line of the TTIP free trade agreement

Having studied dozens of articles about the TTIP as well as the state of the US economy, available over the Internet,the jigsaw puzzle of this highly secret venture is starting to take a shape.

The fact is,the US and the dollar is headed for the largest recession in it´s history, barely missed in 2008-2012,and earlier saved by ONE man,Adnan Sakli who became the underwriter of all the world´s economy.

The US investor moguls are now terrified of loosing their amassed wealth and will do ANYTHING to save their bacon at the expense of other countries and other people. Hence TTIP as a means to a quick buck based on treachery and lies,trying to ´fast track´ a trans-Atlantic agreement with the EC Commission containing a clan-destined requirement to dissolve most security laws,leaving the land open to free pillaging by the TTIP vultures.

Clothes and other goods manufactured in 3rd country factories by child labour, without safety or rights for the employees or safety controls of the products. 

Here also for gene-manipulated crops and consumables,produced cheaply  and imported duty free to Europe and the US.

Chemicals and human drugs,also produced under the same conditions and lack of sufficient product tests,will,with all security demands removed,be a rapid way to build fortunes at the expense of the security and health of the people of Europe and the US.

Low production cost,free trade agreement and the removal of ALL traditional safety guards will ensure a rapid cast off on their investments,at the expense of both health and jobs for the average Joe.

Part of the agreement will also allow the share and purchase into public services such as health service,hospitals,care of the elderly etc., with a one-way clause forbidding later reversal.  

Our Norwegian government is already loosening up to the idea of private financial participation in the care of the elderly ,as well as making local council decisions in secret behind closed doors before submitting it to the government for approval. As I am writing,the government is now planning to oust the usual 12 jury members of a trial,in exchange for a hand-full of pre-elected co-judges,all of which will of course speak with one voice.

The final kick to a lawless Europe is that ANY company which feels their sales have been impeded by local forces,may sue the country in their own court without representation of the accused country,which can be fined millions of dollars.

In the chaos following the dollar collapse world-wide, the Bildeberg Group and TTIP will continue to prosper on the miseries of a starving people turned into slaves.

"Sic transit Gloria democratia!"

Who else,but the Bildeberg Group and TTIP could have designed such a fiendish device to cover their own backs in a financial crisis?

Better do without the TTIP, tighten our belts and start afresh,creating an honest world by the sweat of our brows,without dependency of banks with alluring but false offers.


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