The Otium Post

The Otium Post




Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 

And never brought to mind? 

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 
And auld lang syne!

Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear, 
For auld lang syne. 
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, 
For auld lang syne. 

And surely ye'll be your pint stowp! 
And surely I'll be mine! 
And we'll tak a cup o'kindness yet, 
For auld lang syne. 
For auld, &c. 

We twa hae run about the braes, 
And pou'd the gowans fine; 
But we've wander'd mony a weary fit, 
Sin' auld lang syne. 
For auld, &c. 

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn, 
Frae morning sun till dine; 
But seas between us braid hae roar'd 
Sin' auld lang syne. 
For auld, &c. 

And there's a hand, my trusty fere! 

And gie's a hand o' thine! 

And we'll tak a right gude-willie waught, 

For auld lang syne. 

For auld, &c.





Ringing in the new year 2016 :>



Listhaugs innstrammingsforslag til asylsoekere.

Her er Listhaugs innstrammingsforslag

** Skal bortvise asylsøkere fra nordiske land
** Vil utstede betalingskort - og ikke kontanter


(VG) 29.12.2015 11:50 - oppdatert 29.12.2015 16:54.

Se video :>

Slik skal Listhaug stramme inn asylpolitikken

Her er innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaugs forslag som skal føre til at det blir langt vanskeligere for asylsøkere å få permanent oppholdstillatelse i Norge.

VG følger

Det 150 sider lange høringsforslaget ble presentert på en pressekonferanse i Justisdepartementet klokken 12 tirsdag.

– Norge er blant landene i Europa som har tatt imot flest asylsøkere dersom man ser på antall innbyggere. Det har gitt oss store utfordringer, uttalte Listhaug på pressekonferansen.

– Vi må sørge for at det blir mindre attraktivt for de som ikke har beskyttelsesbehov å komme til Norge.

Ifølge ministeren inneholder dokumentet totalt 40 «store og små» forslag som skal bidra til å stramme inn asylpolitikken i Norge. Ifølge Frp-nestleder Per Sandberg vil avtalen gjøre Norge til det strengeste landet i Europa, sammen med Danmark.

Listhaug understreket samtidig at regjeringens forslag er innenfor rammene i forhold til flyktningkonvensjonen og de europeiske menneskerettighetene.

Frithjof Jacobsen kommenterer: Frp eier flyktningdebatten

Her er flere av de mest sentrale forslagene Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) og regjeringen kommer med:

** Perioden for å få permanent opphold utvides fra tre til fem år, noe som innebærer at det vil ta lengre tid å få innvilget permanent opphold.

** Listhaug vil få til en løsning der oppholdstillatelsen kan bli trukket tilbake i tilfeller der det blir fred eller forhold i hjemlandet som gjør at asylsøkere ikke lenger har behov for beskyttelse.

Må bestå norskprøve

** Departementet foreslår å innføre et krav om norsk- og samfunnskunnskap, samt krav til selvforsørgelse i tre år, før det gis permanent opphold.

Prøvene skal bevise at asylsøkeren behersker et minimum av norsk muntlig.

– Dette vil gi søkerne et incitament for å gjøre en stor egeninnsats for å bli integrert i Norge, sier Listhaug.

** Departementet ønsker å endre introduksjonsloven slik at også personer mellom 55 og 67 år må gjennomgå opplæring i norsk og samfunnsfag.

De som får opphold: Slik skal de integreres i Norge

Saken fortsetter under videoen.

Vil bortvise asylsøkere fra Norden

** Det foreslås en forskriftshjemmel som gir adgang til å gi midlertidig oppholdstillatelse uten å ta endelig stilling til beskyttelsesbehovet.

** Regjeringen foreslår å begrense visumfriheten for asylsøkere. Det innebærer at asylsøkere som ikke har krav på realitetsbehandling av sin asylsøknad i Norge, kan bortvises fra grensen.

** Regjeringen foreslår også ifølge NTB en egen bestemmelse som innebærer at Norge kan bortvise asylsøkere som kommer via et annet nordisk land. Bestemmelsen «gir departementet hjemmel til å beslutte ankomst direkte fra et nordisk naboland som et selvstendig grunnlag for å nekte realitetsbehandling av søknad om beskyttelse (asyl) etter utlendingslovens §32».

Strengere krav til familiegjenforening

** Den midlertidige oppholdstillatelsen gir ikke rett til permanent opphold, og gir heller ikke grunnlag for familieinnvandring.

– Mange bruker barna som anker, for så å komme etter på familiegjenforening senere selv, sier Listhaug.

** Enslige mindreårige asylsøkere skal gis beskyttelse fram til fylte 18 år. Det skal da foretas en ny ordinær vurdering, som avgjør om utlendingen fyller vilkårene for beskyttelse eller opphold i Norge på annet grunnlag.

– Når personen er fylt 18 år skal man vurderes ut ifra regler som gjelder for voksne. Dersom man ikke har grunnlag for beskyttelse eller får opphold på humanitært grunnlag må vedkommende forlate Norge, forklarer Listhaug.

** Det foreslås krav om fire års arbeid eller utdanning i Norge før familiegjenforening kan finne sted. I tillegg foreslås det at søknad om familiegjenforening bør kunne avslås dersom utlendingen ikke har permanent oppholdstillatelse i Norge, og familiegjenforening er mulig i det landet familien samlet sett har sterkere tilknytning til.
Betalingskort - ikke kontanter

** Regjeringen vil utstede betalingskort til flyktningene i stedet for å gi dem kontanter.

– Vi vet at mange har et sterkt press på seg til å sende penger hjem, forklarer Listhaug.

** Regjeringen vil gjeninnføre skillet mellom personer som har krav på opphold etter FNs flyktningkonvensjon, og dem som har krav på vern mot retur til hjemlandet etter det menneskerettslige returforbudet.

** Regjeringen foreslår å endre utlendingslovens slik at utlendinger som er nektet realitetsbehandling av sin asylsøknad etter loven, og som ikke er gitt utreisefrist, kan utvises.

– ID-avklaring er viktig

** Asylsøknader skal kunne avslås hvis det foreligger tungtveiende innvandringsregulerende hensyn. Dette vil blant annet gjelde ved manglende bidrag til avklaring av egen identitet.

– Identitetsavklaring er viktig. Tradisjonelt sett er det slik at 90-95 prosent av de som kommer til Norge mangler ID-papirer, uttalte Listhaug.

** Regjeringen foreslår at klagefristen reduseres fra tre uker til en uke i saker der Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI) anser det som åpenbart at en asylsøker ikke fyller vilkårene for beskyttelse eller vern mot retur.

** Regjeringen foreslår også å gjøre visse endringer i reglene om rettshjelp i utlendingssaker, og foreslår å fjerne retten til fritt rettsråd i avvisningssaker etter utlendingsloven.
Listhaug: – Det må stilles krav

– Forslagene vil nå bli sendt ut på seks ukers høring. Jeg regner med vi vil få mange innspill. Så vil vi komme med et forslag til Stortinget etter det, avsluttet Listhaug.

Da VG snakket med Listhaug mandag, understreket hun at regjeringens forslag følger i fotsporene til stortingsflertallets asylforlik i november.

– Den viktigste faktoren for god integrering er at utlendingen selv vil integreres. En kan ikke bli båret på gullstol inn i Norge. Det må stilles krav, og det gjør vi med dette forslaget. Det må få konsekvenser om man ikke oppfyller kravene. Slik har det ikke vært tidligere, sa Listhaug mandag.




Listhaug har nok dessverre helt rett. Vi trenger faktisk en unntakstilstand,da denne invasjonen er helt uten sidestykke. De virkelig trengende skal selvfølgelig hjelpes på beste vis,men ALLE skal ha kun midlertidig opphold intil det er trygt å vende tilbake, for sammen med den hjemmeværende familie,å bygge opp landet igjen.

Fortidens regler maa tilpasses morgendagens realiteter.  Det gjelder regler for innvandring saa vel som tolkningen av Koranen.

Disse ´barna´det snakkes om er faktisk ungdom i 16-18 års alderen som i deres egne hjemland har tatt del i ´voksne´ aktiviteter i flere år allerede. Barn på 13 år og yngre burde få fast oppholdstillatelse etter de foreskrevne 5 år,men vil ikke kunne benytte seg av familiegjenforening av foreldre til Norge.

Vi må også sette strenge regler da innvandrerne kommer fra en helt annen kultur som lett misforstår gavmildhet og begrensninger.

La for all del ikke disse norske godfjottene eller andre som mener det er ok å miste vår kultur og demokrati, få inflytelse på Listhaugs bestemmelser . Spesielle tilstander krever spesielle tiltak....

Eller,som det ble sagt:   "Man kan bli så tolerant at man utsletter seg selv"

Det er ikke rart Sylvi Listhaug raser mot "godhetstyranniet" naar hun har en ledestjerne som Ayn Rand.




NOV 2013 - DEC 2015

Tsjekkias president: - Jeg er dypt overbevist om at vi ser en organisert invasjon og ikke en spontan bevegelse av flyktninger.

REAKSJONER: Tsjekkias president Milos Zeman 
holdt i går sin julehilsen til det tsjekkiske folk. 
Talen vekker reaksjoner. 
Foto: CTK Photo/Libor Zavoral/NTB scanpix

Tsjekkias president: - Jeg er dypt overbevist om at vi ser en organisert invasjon og ikke en spontan bevegelse av flyktninger.

Mener flyktningene burde kjempe mot IS.

Dagbladet - søndag 27. desember 2015, kl.12:17

Tsjekkias president Milos Zeman holdt i går sin årlige julehilsen til det tsjekkiske folk.

Som i mange andre europeiske land er flyktningkrisa det store temaet i Tsjekkia, og den sosiademokratiske presidenten vekker oppsikt med sin tale til folket.

- Jeg er dypt overbevist om at vi ser en organisert invasjon og ikke en spontan bevegelse av flyktninger, sa Zeman.

Burde kjempe mot jihadistene

Medlidenhet er «mulig» for flyktninger som er gamle eller syke og barn, men ikke for unge menn som burde bli hjemme og kjempe mot jihadistene, sa presidenten.

Videre hevdet han at IS bare blir sterkere i Syria dersom unge menn flykter til Europa. Han sammenliknet situasjonen for de som nå er på flukt med unge tsjekkere som forlot landet da det var under okkupasjon av nazi-regimet fra 1939 til 1945, skriver AFP.

Ifølge presidenten var deres mål å kjempe for frigjøringen av Tsjekkia, og ikke å motta sosial støtte fra Storbritannia, skriver Deutsche Welle.

Han har tidligere advart mot at flyktningene bringer terrorisme og smittsomme sykdommer til Europa, og sammenliknet seg selv med figuren Kassandra fra gresk mytologi - som ifølge myten hadde profetievner.

- Noen ganger føler jeg meg som Kassandra som advarer trojanerne om å ikke ta med den trojanske hesten inn i byen, sa han i julehilsenen.

Vekker reaksjoner

71-åringen ble valgt til president i 2013, og er blitt kjent for sitt innvandringskritiske standpunkt. Det skapte furore da han i november deltok på en anti-islamsk demonstrasjon i Praha sammen med ytre høyre-politikere og paramilitære. En av dem som har reagert sterkest på presidentens uttalelser i julehilsenen er statsminister Bohuslav Sobotka.

Han mener det baserer seg på presidentens «fordommer og hans vane for å forenkle ting». Statsministeren har også tidligere kritisert presidenten for uttalelser om flyktning- og innvandringspolitikk.

En meningsmåling viser at nesten 70 prosent av tsjekkere er imot ankomsten av flyktninger og migranter til Tsjekkia, skriver NTB.





Global Economic Collapse - World War - New World Order - New Financial-Monetary System!

Bilderberg 2011 Agenda: Global Economic Collapse, World War… Leading To New World Order, New Financial-Monetary System!

The Western Illuminati Organization Chart. Source:
Click chart for better details.

I have warned repeatedly about the plans of the Illuminist snakes. They want to lay the foundation for the coming of their ‘messiah’, the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace! To achieve this goal, their plans are as follows

1. Global economic, financial and monetary collapse (starting autumn 2011?)
2. Global chaos, famine, social unrest …. as a result of the meltdown of the current financial, monetary order.
3. Increasing use of HAARP to destabilize the weather and trigger earthquakes.

4. False flag (nuclear?) attacks to be triggered (1H2012) in America and western Europe. This will be blamed on the Muslim world. It is really the work of the western Illuminati intelligence agencies.
5. Arab Spring will lead to the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood (Masonic Brotherhood really). The western Illuminati will transfer power and build up the Muslim Brotherhood. This is their age-old tactic of building up 2 opposing forces: Muslim World vs Zionist World and setting them into conflict.
6. Triggering of Greater Middle East War (2H2012) Zionist World vs Muslim World. Both will annihilate each other. Zionist ‘666’ Israel will be destroyed in the process as a direct assault against Christians. Most western Christians (40M in America) will have serious doubts when they see Zionist ‘666’ Israel destroyed. It does not fit into what they have been taught. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is a Satanic counterfeit. Unfortunately, Christians have been brainwashed by Illuminist ‘Christian’ preachers into thinking it is the real deal.
7. Starting of war between the Anglo-American empire and its allies and China and its allies. Both China and India are targeted for depopulation via bio-engineered race specific weapons. The entire world will be engulfed in wars! No one will doubt that WW3 has started. I am however, unsure when this war will start. (2013?)
8. Massive UFO-Aliens hoax at the closing stages of WW3. This is to prepare for the coming of ‘the one who is to come’: the Anti-Christ! This is the strong delusion. The Return of the Nephilm-Alien ‘gods’ of old.
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.
43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Note the Nephilim will mingle with the seed of men. This will be the makeup of the endtimes 4th world empire. (emphasis mine)
by Alpha-Omega Report:

The agenda for the Bilderberg 2011 Conference included a variety of topics.
According to leaks from at least one attendee, the topic of primary concern involves the “Arab Spring” revolts andefforts to widen the revolt into a regional war to produce regime-change and trigger a wider, world war. Part of the plan was for NATO to engage Libya’s dictator in a military conflict that would trigger a regional war. To accomplish this, U.S. participation is required, but the U.S. Congress is upset that Obama has violated the Constitution and War Power’s Act by not garnering Congressional approval before committing U.S. forces to military action. A new move is underway in Congress to now halt U.S. participation in the Libyan conflict. This move triggered great concern and dismay within the Bilderberg Conference this year as it could put a halt to springing a wider Mideast war. 
The Bilderberg group’s justification for war is based on the growing overpopulation of the world with limited resources to support such expanding population. Wars reduce the population levels and a great world war could massively de-populate Earth and bring human population levels within manageable limits to match natural resources. On this matter, the Bilderberg attendees were united in agreement for the need of war. The topic dominated the entire first day of the conference and was a backdrop for other issues discussed during the next two days of meetings.
The second most discussed issue involved was growing publicity about the group and its plans for global government and the growing public opposition to not only global government but opposition to Bilderberg and its annual meetings. In conference discussions, there was a consensus that the unregulated internet is the primary factor enabling opposition to grow and possibly bring a halt to Bilderberg and its plans and goals for global government. Conferees discussed new, legal measures being undertaken to regulate, control and eliminate internet websites and emailing messages. In other words, new laws and regulations are being developed to legally censor internet content and make opposition to global government a criminal offense. Look for censorship efforts to step up and take hold in the next six to twelve months.
The third most important topic for discussion involved efforts to restructure the world’s economy by crashing the system in a new crisis that will end with a collapse of the current system, to be replaced by a new global system, with an electronic currency and an all-powerful central banking system. Plans will include a new electronic currency utilizing micro-chip implants to be placed in the hands or wrists of citizens of the world. Such plans are already in place in the USA, thanks to the new Obama Health Care law which mandates micro-chip implants for all Americans by March of 2013. The Obama plan argues that the micro-chip must hold all medical records and personal identification of the person being implanted. Similar measures are reportedly underway in Europe. 
In bringing down the world’s economy, the globalists publicly wring their hands and engage in futile steps to shore up the Euro currency and stave off national bankruptcies in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but behind the scenes, this is exactly what the Illuminists desire because everything must collapse to make way for a New World Order and a global dictator. This aspect is little understood among the Bilderberg critics and reporters covering Bilderberg. 
As part of the take-down of the world’s economy, a new IMF chieftain must be appointed in the wake of the arrest of the IMF chief in New York City last month. The Bilderberg conferees shared opinions back and forth on who should be selected to take over as the IMF leader and be a key player in the coming economic collapse willing to institute the Bilderberg global government concept into a newly structured international monetary system.



Unbelievable what you find on the Internet.

Here from 2011 listing events yet to take place.



Western Intelligence-Bilderberg and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood

Western Intelligence and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood

by Paul & Phillip D. Collins ©, Aug. 12th, 2007

Like it or not, radical Islam is on the rise. And the group spearheading this rise is Muslim Brotherhood. Wherever political Islam is gaining ground, one is almost guaranteed to find the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Take the Gaza Strip, for instance. Most people know that in June of 2007 Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip. What many people do not know is that Hamas is an offshoot of Egypt’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (El Ahl, no pagination). Gaza is the most publicized of the Brotherhood’s successes. However, the group has experienced other victories the media has said little about. In 2005, the Brotherhood made significant political gains in Egypt, increasing its number of independent parliamentarians from 15 to 88 (no pagination). In Jordan, the Brotherhood’s political wing, known as the Islamic Action Front, has become part of Jordan’s political establishment, possessing 17 out of 110 parliamentarians (no pagination). Without a doubt, the Brotherhood’s influence is starting to be felt.

To say the least, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political ascent is impressive. However, without the aid of some powerful forces, the Brotherhood may have never been more than a group of marginalized religious fanatics. The hidden hands of these powerful forces can be seen at work before World War Two with the British travel writer Freya Stark. Stark was not just a writer. She was also an agent of British intelligence. Stark was used by British intelligence to foster an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood (Dorril 622). Brotherhood collaboration with Western intelligence continued with an alliance between the Brotherhood and the CIA that began around 1955. 

According to former CIA agent Miles Copeland, it was around this time that America began looking for the Muslim equivalent of Billy Graham, hoping to use such a charismatic individual to influence the Arab world. When this failed, the Agency began forging ties with the CIA (Aburish 60-61). What was the motive for this marriage between Western intelligence and the Muslim Brotherhood? This alliance would help the Western power elite neutralize the challenge to their hegemony coming from the secular Arab nationalist movement. Said Aburish elaborates:

In the 1950s and later, the West opposed the secular Arab nationalist movement for two reasons: it challenged its regional hegemony and threatened the survival of its clients’ leaders and countries. Specifically, there was nothing to stop a secular movement from cooperating with the USSR; in fact, most of them were mildly socialist. Furthermore, most secular movements advocated various schemes of Arab unity, a union or a unified policy, which threatened and undermined the pro-West traditional regimes of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other client states. The West saw it as a challenge that had to be met. (60)

Was the alliance between the CIA and the Brotherhood merely a continuation of the alliance between British intelligence and the Brotherhood? According to the authors of Dope, Inc., the OSS, which was the forerunner of the CIA, was merely a subsidiary of British intelligence (540). When the Office of Strategic Services was being organized, William Stephenson, Britain’s Special Operations Executive representative in the United States, was brought in for “technical assistance” (418). Stephenson’s involvement would lead to the creation of “a British SOE fifth column embedded deeply into the American official intelligence community” (454). When it came to religious engineering to promote fanaticism within the Arab world, it could be that the British power elite passed the mantle to the American power elite.


The power elite officially endorsed the Muslim Brotherhood in May of 1979 at the Bilderberg meeting held in Austria (Engdahl 171). At this meeting, British Islamic expert Dr. Bernard Lewis suggested that endorsing the Muslim Brotherhood would allow the Western elite “to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines” (171). This balkanization process would result in the rise of various autonomous groups and the spreading of chaos in the Near East (171). In what Lewis termed an “Arc of crisis,” the chaos would eventually spill over into the Muslim regions of the Soviet Union (171). This would help the Western elites counter Soviet moves to become the world’s sole hegemon, thus preserving the Cold War dialectical rivalry that had been so advantageous to the Western oligarchs.

The power elite’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood had begun one year earlier, when Carter appointed Bilderberg attendee George Ball to head a White House Iran task force that fell under the authority of National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (171). Ball recommended pulling support for Iran’s leader at the time, the Shah of Iran (171). He also suggested supporting the Shah’s opposition, the infamous Ayatollah Khomeini (171). The Muslim Brotherhood was the movement behind Khomeini (171). Again, Western intelligence groups lent the Brotherhood an assist. CIA case officer Robert Bowie ran covert operations against the Shah that allowed the coup to be successful (171). The CIA-led coup used economic pressures placed on Iran by London to create the pretext for religious discontent against the Shah (172). London refused Iranian Oil production, “taking only 3 million or so barrels a day on an agreed minimum of 5 million barrels per day” (172). This move imposed revenue pressures on Iran, and agitators trained by U.S. intelligence went about blaming the Shah’s regime (172).

According to William Engdahl, the destabilization of the Shah’s regime was also aided by American’s working within Iran’s security establishment:

As Iran’s economic troubles grew, American “security” advisers to the Shah’s Savak secret police implemented a policy of even more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah. At the same time, the Carter Administration cynically began protesting abuses of “human rights” under the Shah. (172)

The action taken against the Shah was successful and the deposed Iranian leader fled the country in January of 1979 (172). Writing about his downfall, the Shah later stated:

I did not know it then – perhaps I did not want to know – but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out. Clearly this is what the human rights advocates in the State Department wanted… What was I to make of the Administration’s sudden decision to call former Under Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an adviser on Iran?… Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me and ultimately my country. (172)

Khomeini’s rise to power in Iran was a major victory for the Muslim Brotherhood that stood behind him, and Western intelligence had made no small contribution to that victory. Make no mistake, Western intelligence helped make the Muslim Brotherhood what it is today. When looking for someone to blame for the rise of radical Islam, the accusatory finger must be pointed at those in whom Americans have placed their trust.



Notice the Bilderberg fingers in all the manipulations of The Muslim Brotherhood to use their fervor's as a tool towards the destabilization of Europe,breaking down national adherence,democracy and human rights.

This tool was ideal for their plans,introducing,by peaceful means,millions of fleeing people of the Muslim faith into an unsuspecting Europe,causing chaos,and discord among the EU members.They could hardly have found a more contradictory religion which by it´s very nature refuses integration in this head-on clash of opposing cultures,thousands of years apart.

Remember,nothing was left to chance,all was planned, many many years earlier by Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group which had already taken command of all major political and financial decisions in the USA.

Typically also of the Devil,Bilderberg manipulates and uses people and situations for their own purpose and goals. The Arab Brotherhood fights to conquer the world in THEIR name,but will at the right time be taken over by Illuminati/Bilderberg and their helpers destroyed.  The Devil shows no gratitude for the people who are no longer any use to him. This is also the case with the Illuminati/Bilderberg.



The Illuminati Jewish Plan for European Genocide is succeeding.


June 26, 2015 

(Spanish beach)

Never have a people embraced their political and cultural demise with such complacency as the dimwitted denizens of Europe, North America and Australia.

Do not direct your resentment at immigrants who are just trying to better themselves, as our own ancestors did. 

Direct your anger at our political and cultural leaders who, as agents of the central bankers, are colonizers and traitors.

The causes of mass migration are still cleverly concealed by the system, and portrayed as inevitable by multicultural propaganda. ... What they want to present as an inevitable and spontaneous phenomenon is actually a deliberate long term plan to destroy the face of the continent.


One of the main initiators of the process of European integration was the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. The elite consider him the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi.

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]"


If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe's fusion with the Third World. The plague of interracial marriage produces each year thousands of young people of mixed race: "The children of Kalergi». Under the dual pressures of misinformation and humanitarian stupefaction, promoted by the MSM, the Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, to renounce their national,racial an cultural identity.

The servants of globalization are trying to convince us that to deny our identity is a progressive and humanitarian act, that "racism" is wrong. It is necessary, now more than ever, to counter the lies of the System, to awaken the revolutionary spirit in Europeans. Every one must see this truth, that European Integration amounts to genocide. We have no other option, the alternative is national suicide.

Remember, USA is already under Illuminati/Bilderberg control as owners of the Central Bank,the largest banks,newspapers and TV stations,yes,even the Hollywood film production. Top positions in the government are filled by Bilderberg members. As representative for the Vatican and the UN European migration,Peter Sutherland is a Bilderberg representative,as is the British Chancellor of the Exchequer and the German Minister of Finance,to name a few.


The Bilderberg Group - Planning on a New World Order

Every year since 1954, the secretive Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel they first met in the Netherlands), comprising elite powerbrokers from Europe and North America, has met to discuss, and influence, the changing global, political, economic and social landscape.

In the early 1990s, a relatively unknown Home Affairs spokesman for the Labour Party, Tony Blair, was invited to a Bilderberg confab. By 1997, he was Prime Minister of Great Britain. Similarly, in the late 80's, a little known Governor of Arkansas by the name of William Clinton gladly accepted an invitation to a Bilderberg. A few years later he was leader of the so-called 'free' world.

Currently, Bilderberg member Kenneth Clarke and non-Bilderberg member Ian Duncan Smith are fighting a battle to represent the Conservative 'opposition' party to Labour. I sincerely hope he doesn't, but Kenneth Clarke will win that battle. Then we will have leaders of the two 'opposition' parties who are in actual fact not in 'opposition' at all.

Margaret Thatcher has expressed her support for non-Bilderberg member Smith. Why? Because Bilderberg took the decision to oust Margaret Thatcher and replace her with John Major. This was confessed by Thatcher in conversation with Jim Tucker - former editor of the Spotlight newspaper which was closed down by the Anti-Defamation League because it was 'anti-Semitic.' Tucker spent his life exposing and tracking Bilderberg meetings - that means he hates Jews of course.

William Hague was the Bilderberg member who provided the shill, phoney 'opposition' to Tony Blair at the last general election. He forwarded a weak anti-European posture which failed dismally. This equated any anti-European (anti-Orwellian power block) mindset as being outdated and smeared with preconceptions of association with the laughable Tory election campaign. Europe is good and loving, sovereignty is evil, right-wing, racist, outdated, Satanic and nefarious. It's true, I read it in the newspaper. And who owns the newspapers? The Bilderberg Group.

Surely senior officials of the World Trade Organization, Federal Reserve, Financial Institutions like Rockefeller (the man himself), the EU and UN World Government models, and corporate oil conglomerates couldn't belong to the same group as the leading politicians and the media? Well, they do. They all belong to the Bilderberg Group.

So, who belongs to the other quasi-secret steering organisations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission? The same people. The Globalist New World Order.

I list below a summary of Bilderberg members. This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are over 50 members who refuse to be named. These representatives attended the June 2000 meeting in Belgium at the Chateau du Lac Hotel in Genvel, near Brussels. The group releases a short press statement, outlining their operation to have a good old think about things but not implement any policy. So when the show is over these elite power broker mainstream policy makers just go home and have a cup of tea. I'm being sarcastic, by the way.

Key - A=Austria, B=Belgium, CDN=Canada, D=Germany, DK=Denmark, E=Spain, F=France, FIN=Finland, GB=Great Britain, GR=Greece, INT=International, I=Italy, IRL=Ireland, NL=Netherlands, S=Sweden, USA=United States of America.

The Members and who they Represent

Financial Institutions
--- USA: David Rockefeller - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Council.
--- USA: Jessica T. Mathews - President, Carnegie Institute for International Peace (disarming the serfs).
--- USA: George Soros - Chairman, Soros Fund Management.
--- USA: Henry A. Kissinger - Chairman, Kissinger Associates.

UN and EU Representatives
--- INT: Carl Bildt - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations.
--- INT: Louise Frechette - Deputy Secretay-General, United Nations.
--- A: Wolfgang Petritsch - European Union Chief Negotiator at the Kosovo Peace Talks in Rambouillet and Paris.
--- INT: Javier Solana - Secretary-General, Council of the European Union.

--- INT/USA: James D. Wolfensohn - President, World Bank.
--- USA: William J. McDonough - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
--- F: Jean-Claude Trichet - Governor, Banque de France
--- INT: Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank.
--- DK: Nyboe Andersen - Governor, Central Bank of Denmark.
--- D: Hilmar Kopper - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG.

--- USA: James B. Steinberg - Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
--- USA: John M. Deutch - Institute Professor, MIT, and former Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
--- USA: Bill Richardson - Secretary of Energy.
--- NL: Dick Benschop - State Secretary for European Affairs.
--- GB: Kenneth Clarke - Conservative MP (and future British Prime Minister)?
--- USA: Christopher J. Dodd - Senator, Democrat, Conneticut.
--- USA: Chuck Hagel - Senator, Republican, Nebraska (and these two are supposed to be in opposition to each other)! Could both be future Presidency candidates a la Clinton?
--- FIN: Paavo Lipponen - Prime Minister.
--- DK: Anders Rasmussen - Chairman, Liberal Party.

--- USA: Donald E. Graham - Publisher, the Washington Post.
--- CDN: Conrad Black - Chair, Telegraph Group Ltd.
--- D: Matthias Nass - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit.
--- I: Gianni Riotta - Deputy Editor, La Stampa.
--- DK: Toger Seidenfaden - Editor, Politiken.
--- GB: Martin Wolf - Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Finanacial Times.
--- GB: John R. Micklethwait - United States Editor, The Economist.
--- GB: Adrian D. Wooldridge - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist.

Corporate and Trade
--- INT: Mike Moore - Director-General, World Trade Organization.
--- NL: Jeroan van der Veer - Group Managing Director, Royal Dutch Shell group of companies, and Designate President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company.
--- GB: Martin J. Taylor - Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC, and International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International, Honorary Secretary-General - Bilderberg Group.
--- IRL: Peter D. Sutherland - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International and Chairman, BP Amoco PLC.
--- USA: John L. Thornton - President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Inc.
--- I: Giovanni Agnelli - Honorary Chairman Fiat SpA.
--- FIN: Jorma Ollila - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation.
--- USA: James A. Johnson - Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners.
--- S: Leif Johansson - President and CEO, Volvo AB.
--- USA: Esther Dyson - Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc.
--- S: Percy Barnevik - Chairman, Investor AB.
--- CDN: Israel Asper - Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc.
--- USA: Paul Allaire - Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation.

--- NL: Queen Beatrix - Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands and of the House of Orange.

PS - I didn't even have time to list all the University Professors, mainly based in the USA. College campuses, just like schools, are Globalist brainwashing camps.

Circulate far and wide. The 3rd law of physics - the butterfly effect - however small your influence it will ripple out and have a further influence. SPREAD THE WORD. DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Franklin D Roosevelt

Paul Joseph Watson




Illuminati/Bilderberg have now successfully concluded the next step in their  plan for total world domination in their New World Order by scaring millions of Muslims into Europe with ISIL,created and funded by the US (Bilderberg), and are now trying to cover their tracks by joining Russia and other countries trying to eradicate ISIL from several countries.

In less than 20 years we will all be minorities in our own country and probably under the rule of Islam.

It is essential that all migrants are only given a temporary stay until it is safe to return to build up their countries again.  Emigration and human rights laws have never envisaged this kind of mass migration,and must be altered accordingly to save our countries from genocidal extinction.

